Chapter 1

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Cleo's POV:

Sometimes, I wonder what it's going to feel like when the world ends.

I know it won't feel like anything, really. Maybe a bright flash as the sun crashes into us, or a rumble from the ground beneath, but right afterward? Nothing. Emptiness. The Earth would be completely swept in a matter of seconds, leaving only dirt and memories where we had been. Silence and darkness and then, the universe would start over with new cells to go off of and better people. I found myself thinking about the emptiness this place would become a lot, and sort of hoped it'd happen soon. Anything would be better than Crestview High.

I hadn't listened to a thing my teacher went over the entire class. The whiteboard had been covered in equations long before my daydreaming began. I didn't get it, and I didn't bother worrying at this point. I never really got it. Most of the class seemed to be off in their own world's, too- talking to one another or scrolling on their phones. I put an earbud in my left ear and leaned my cheek against the palm of my hand.

I hated school- which is kinda what most teenagers think- but I'm pretty sure I've hated school since junior high. I never learned. I never tried. The only time I did an assignment was when I wanted to, which meant almost never.

I had never considered myself stupid until I started high school. Good grades came easily in junior high and gold stars in elementary. It's funny to think that the peak of my life was when my worth was measured in stickers. Junior high was easy. The lessons were still understandable and teachers gave us the amount of homework that we could handle. I had less responsibility then, more time to focus on essays and books.

Freshman and sophomore year were both basically jokes. Even now, 2 months into my junior year, I had pretty much given up. I entered school at 5 years old with starry eyes and dreams. Fast forward 11 years and the only dreams I have are concerning the end of the world.

My thoughts were interrupted by the ring of the bell. Finally. I left the classroom and slung my bag over a shoulder.

My locker door was probably painted in a shiny, red coat at some point, but that was years ago, and now doodles and half-way rubbed off words lived on from the junior classes before me. It was nice to know people just like me had this locker and survived through high school.

I could see Andrew approaching me from down the hall and seriously considered ducking and hiding. But, I'd never been one to back away from a challenge.

"Hey babe," Andrew said, leaning against my locker door. I turned away while he attempted to kiss my cheek before dialing my locker combo. He cocked his brow in confusion before clicking his tongue. "Oh, are you still mad? Babe I-"

"My name is Cleo," I said, and his smile dropped.

"Alright, Cleo. I didn't mean to piss you off."

"Wow," I said as I turned to shove a textbook into the locker.

"C'mon," he said. "Talk to me." I stayed silent, slowly growing more annoyed. "Cleo. Cleo-"

"Jesus, what do you want, Andrew?" I snapped back, slamming my locker and crossing my arms. "You were an asshole yesterday."

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know you would get that upset." I scoffed and shook my head.

"Really? You didn't think I'd be upset after finding some other girl's nudes on your phone?"

He looked past me in the hallway. "Can you keep your voice down?" he whispered.

"Oh, right. Sorry, Andrew, " I said. "I'll try and keep your reputation in mind while you sleep with some other girl behind my back."

"I wasn't, " he yelled before dropping his voice again. "I wasn't sleeping with her. She just sent me pictures."

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