VIII • Visit

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So far, her break has gone nicely. She is now able to do the things she desires. Such as instructing in a day care, working at an animal shelter, and even throwing a little party in their home to welcome her back after a year away.

Sooyoung received a text message from her manager weeks after the incident.

You can visit your senior Yook Sungjae now, but he's still not awake. You can also visit your relative Park Choi Do and have a talk to him. The CEO approved to this so don't worry, just avoid the media.

She hurriedly bathes and dresses in the most concealing but inconspicuous outfit she owns.

"I'll be paying a visit to Oppa in the hospital, Eomma. Is there anything I could give him?" Sooyoung questioned as she searched the living room for the comb.

"Oppa?" Sooyoung's mother asked.

"Yook Sungjae or Choi Do?" her mother wondered, causing Sooyoung to stop. She looked at her mother, who was teasing her.

"CHOI DO OPPA!" shouted Sooyoung, who hurriedly went to her room and began getting dressed after finally finding the comb she was looking for.

She was taken aback when she noticed four large lunch boxes on their table.

"What is this?" says Sooyoung. Her eyes widened as she asked. It isn't just a single-layer lunchbox. It's a lunch box with four layers. She's already tired just thinking about traveling with those large things.

"This is for Choi Do and his family, and this is for aduel and his family," her Mother answered, leaving Sooyoung stunned.

"Stop calling him your son, that's disrespectful. He's already dating someone" She said, sadly. It hurts that it came through her own mouth that Sungjae is dating someone and that someone is not her. Her mother didn't say a word and just hugged her eldest daughter.

"I'll bring this to Oppa—Sungjae sunbaenim. I look like I came from the countryside with this outfit and stuffs," She said smiling happily while looking at herself in the mirror wearing boots and gloves while holding the lunch boxes with both of her hands.

She decided to visit her relative first. She checks her phone, which contains the information that their manager had emailed to her.

IV District Hospital,
Park Choi Do - 2nd floor Room 118
Yook Sungjae - 4th Floor VIP Room 03

She put the lunch boxes down amd massages her tired arms before knocking. She was welcomed by her Auntie Chae Soo.

"Sooyoung-ah," Chae Soo hugs her tightly and started crying in her arms. They are in a shared room, luckily there's no other patient admitted in the room they are in.

"Oppa, annyeong," Sooyoung greeted awkwardly. Sad, by what her Oppa's condition right now.

"Sorry, Sooyoung-ie. I was drank that day, I didn't mean to," Choi Do quickly hugs her and cries on her arms too. Worried his closest relative will hate him.

"It's okay Oppa, I'm not mad," Sooyoung said in a calming voice while carassing Choi's back. He noticed that she brought too many lunch boxes, so he thought maybe she's also on her way to visit Sungjae.

"You'll be visiting Sungjae? Can I come with you?" He asked as he moved away from their embrace.

"Maybe some other time Oppa, Sungjae sunbaenim is still in a long sleep," Sooyoung said while smiling but they can see the sadness behind that smile.

She began her way to Sungjae's room after a brief conversation. Fearful, she trembles, unsure if she has the strength to confront the man he loves in that situation.

She knocks again before entering the room, as she did earlier. She was taken aback when she was not welcomed this time by someone with whom she had an excellent relationship.

"So-Hyun," She mouthed.

"What brings you here?" Her voice has a hint of rage. She looks at her as though she's the world's most despicable person.

"I'm just here to give lunch," She said, before showing So-Hyun the lunch boxes she's carrying.

"What gives that you have the audacity to come here? It's all because of you! Why is it always Sungjae Oppa who suffers the worst? Why it can't be you?! Why is it always you? Why it can't be me?!" So-Hyun's outburst of wrath astounded her. So-Hyun shoved her so hard that she collapsed, along with the lunch boxes she was holding, which were now strewn across the floor.

"Leave and don't ever comeback," So-Hyun quickly lock the door from the inside. She have decided that she's not letting Sooyoung to see Sungjae.

Teary-eyes Sooyoung tries to collect all of the food that has strewn across the floor. She can't leave with such a mess.

"Sooyoung-ah?" She burst into tears she'd been holding back after hearing those words.

"Changsub Oppa," Changsub rushes over to the young girl who is in a mess. He comforts her by hugging her and carassing her back.

"It's okay, everything will be okay," Those are the words that bring the most comfort to Sooyoung. Before courting Sooyoung to the waiting room, Changsub takes one lunch box.

"Eat well and take care of yourself Sooyoung-ah, I'll contact you immesdiately if Sungjae wakes up," Changsub said giving assurance to the young girl that everything will be fine and Sungjae will wake up if not sooner, maybe someday.

"Thank you, Changsub Oppa. You too and the other Sunbaenim's take care," Sooyoung said before entering the taxi and leave Changsub alone.

She decided to give the other lunch box to her friends; fortunately, only the fourth layer was spilt, and the remaining layers were still edible.

"Sooyoung-ah!" Seulgi said happily when she saw Sooyoung at their doorstep. They quickly gathered around Sooyoung and bombered her with unending questions.

"Are you finally back?"

"Why do you look like that?"

"Are you alright?" And many more. She just peacefully walks to their dining table and unpacks the lunch box without answering any of the questions.

"Let's eat," Sooyoung stated this as he set the table with plates and cutlery.

"How come it's so messed up?" The Maknae asked. Irene quickly hits Yeri's head.

"Don't tell me," Her eyes widening as she realized Wendy might have figured out what had happened earlier.

"That So-Hyun bitch!" They were all shocked when Wendy suddenly yells.

"What happened?" Irene asked looking worried at Sooyoung.

"Nothing," Sooyoung stated that she was not in the mood for conversation and simply wanted to eat quietly with her family.

"Did she do it?!" Yeri exclaims, gesturing at the scattered lunch box.

"It's my fault for visiting when I have no rights," She said weakly.

"She's just mad, what will you feel when your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend suddenly visits your boyfriend?" Nobody dares to say a word.

Suddenly Sooyoung remembers the scene earlier. She remembers So-Hyun's exact reaction and words.

"Why is it you? Why is it always you? Why can't it be me?"

Sooyoung began to zone out unconsciously.

"What's the matter with you? You look like you've seen a ghost," Wendy commented while gazing behind her, where Sooyoung was staring.

She continued to eat after saying, "N-Nothing."

Did something happened between them?

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