I • The Start

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(I just noticed that I uploaded the wrong chapter hahahaha sorry, here is the real Chapter 1)

Btob's new song is a big hit in Korea and internationally. Btob is now performing their number 1 hit song Missing You at the Concert hall.

Red Velvet is one of the audience, almost all of the idol's attention are on them. They are wearing a red & black-shining-shimmering-suit and dress which made them more noticeable. Mostly Sooyoung.

Sungjae's eyes immediately search for Sooyoung and he did not fail and easily saw whom he is looking for. His eyebrows almost become one just by looking at Sooyoung's clothes.

She's dressed in the most revealing attire among the group, and he can't disagree that she's the most appealing idol tonight.

While Sungjae is still on stage, stealing looks towards Sooyoung, Hyunsik began singing his part and the other members began dancing. Sooyoung, on the other hand, is engaged conversing with the other idols. For him, she's always lovely and beautiful. His gaze is locked on Sooyoung.

He can't help but to feel hurt, Sooyoung started avoiding him then got close easily with the other male idols.

Well, it is my fault why she's avoiding me.

He misses her terribly. His emotions began to flow freely through him. His eyes well up with tears, and his ears flush. He's singing his heart out in the hopes that this song will reach Sooyoung, but it hasn't.

I try telling myself that I'll be alright,
But at the end of the day, it's you again

Their eyes met.

I thought I couldn't live without you but this is my life now
But I do feel a little empty, I guess I'm still at that place

She saw how Sungjaes eyes talk as if it's telling her that he still hasn't moved on and he's still waiting for her.

Sooyoung feels a sharp pain in her chest. She witnessed it, she saw how Sungjae tries so hard to approach her with this song. And, indeed, it made its way to her. Straight to her heart. But she can't give in to her feelings. Sooyoung pretended as if their eyes never met.

She noticed that the other members were concerned about her, but she simply smiled and began to focus on others.

Wow good job Sooyoung, acting as if I'm invisible.

Sooyoung was well aware that Sungjae had been staring at her the entire time. She may appear to be more engaged in conversing with the other idols, but she is constantly aware of Sungjae. How could she miss the fact that the
man she loves singing a song as if it was made for? But she can't let the walls she built for years break for just a short time.

Sooyoung suddenly feels more anxious, cameras that are focused on her are everywhere.

'Try to avoid Yook Sungjae from now on, one wrong move and the image you build for many years can be destroyed in a short period. You see how knetz react to your interaction with him in a concert last 2016, right? You receive more and more hate'

'No looking or staring at him and mostly no talking to him. You can text him privately but you know how powerful saesang fans that they can hack your accounts so try to avoid that also as much as possible'

But there are other reasons why she started avoiding him, which she can't reveal to anyone.

Btob has returned to their seat, which is near the back of Red Velvet's. Destiny is clearly having a good time taunting the two of them. Sooyoung saw that Sungjae's back was aching again in her peripheral vision; he always complains to her about it when they're still together, and she knows how to relieve the ache.

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