+ four

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"DINNERTIME BOYS!" ted calls out and i quickly swallow my pills with some water before rushing down with the others.

"alright who's is the quarter pounder with cheese"
ted chucks over a burger to noah.

"chicken burger with bacon and mayo hold the cheese with a sprite?"
he chucks over another to cooper.

"quesarito with large fries and a cola."


i look over at the guy i just jinxed with. the new yorker. what was his name?

"schlatt and y/n one of you's got it wrong."


"no that's literally what i ordered." he looks at me with furrowed brows.

"well... me too.."

ted rustles in the bag for the receipt. "oh don't worry guys it looks like you both have the same order. here y/n you have this one." he chucks it to me.

"hey what about me??"
"don't cry about it you rascal. here." he chucks over the other one.

we eat together around the kitchen island. there's some chatter about various domestic affairs but nothing i can chip into. i figure it just best to speak when spoken to.

noah turns to me "so- alright, y/n. what would you rename our podcast?"


"you're the only y/n here." schlatt grumbles.

"oh... well... maybe... i'm not sure..." i suddenly can't think.
"take your time it's okay" says charlie.
"maybe a club? something club? that sounds nice."

"got it." travis grins, "fart club."
"fart club??" ted wheezes.
"it's perfect."
schlatt isn't so keen, "god it's- that's so stupid."
"any better ideas?"

not a single one.

"that's what i thought! we record tomorrow under fart club. it's just how it is."

"hey, why not let y/n tell us about herself. she's a mystery right now." ted gestures to me.
charlie nods, "a minnesotan mystery."

"what would you like to know?"

"favourite game?" cooper asks.
"oh so hard to pick! i guess right now i'm ready into fallout. i've been playing loads of mario kart though. with connor." i nod my head at him.

"favourite song?" now it's ted's turn.
"again, it changes a lot. right now maybe... where'd all the time go, dr. dog."

schlatt looks up as though someone had just called his name.

"you've been playing that for days, isn't that weird? first the food order, now the song. have you guys met before?" ted chuckles.
"no. never seen you before."
i nod, "pretty weird."

"hey are you cool to tell them about.. everything?" connor asks hushed and cautiously from beside me. a shake my head.

"i don't want to dump it all on them yet.. if it comes up i'll just tell them i don't get out much."

"wait sorry did you say you play mario kart?"
"okay you vs connor match, let's go." cooper gets up and heads towards the living room.

"shit- you'll probably win." i sigh.
"you're better than you think."

we go on connors switch, sat forward on the couch as the others lean on the back to watch and cheer.

schlatt (+lunch club) : babysitterWhere stories live. Discover now