thirty +

999 18 17

"gonna have to take jimboy off your hands." i say, breaking the long silence.

"i'll get you with my glock before that happens."
"that thing's fake anyways." i shrug.
"no it isn't! i keep it on me for self defence!"
"show me it now then!"

he furrows his eyebrows, "well ..."
"real self defence doesn't need weapons." i say, moving my arms like a ninja.
"that does jack shit!" he scoffs.

i stand up weakly and go up to him.

"you're gonna fight me? in your condition?"
"just watch." i quickly manoeuvre my hands behind his right arm and lock it into place.

"fuck- that hurts!"

i laugh and drop him onto the bed.
"self defence."

"well if you'd let me get ready i would've beaten you."
"you don't have that kinda skill."
"i have strength." he shrugs.
"my skills overcome that."

"i could still take you. you'll see."
"will i now?"
"yeah even without my gun."

"is it even real?" i sit down in front of him.
"yeah. glock 17."
"you're 100% sure?"
"yep. you load it all correctly."

"this so isn't real." i take it from the shelf, examine it and plop it by him.
"it is." he looks at me doubtingly.

"you're sure?"
i move closer.


"really sure?"


he kisses me this time and i'm the one who's surprised.

i fall into his hands as he brings me up onto his lap and i sink into every kiss. our lips move together in a slow rhythm and i find myself pushing him down onto the bed. he notices this and quickly flips us so suddenly i'm the one being pushed down.

"told you i could take you." he smirks on my lips.
"shut up." i say breathlessly, propping myself up on my hand and holding his face with the other. it's finally happening.

i forget everything about the world aside from just us; right now. it's like nothing matters except this kissing and his hands and his lips ..

and he's so much sweeter than he was before. even now he's being so kind, softly holding my cheek and stroking it with his thumb. i feel my heart thumping as we kiss harder, moving quicker.

"i can hear connor coming.." he whispers, not stopping.
"but this is.. so nice.." i say, breathless as he starts kissing my neck.
"mm." he chuckles, "but he can't see us like this.."
i sigh happily and stroke his hair, "i don't want to stop.."
"don't worry..." he moves back to my lips and leaves the longest, most addictingly soft kiss on them before pulling away and leaving me hungry,

"...we can continue another time."

and he gets up, leaving slowly with a smirk on his face.

"wow.." i sigh, still catching my breath for a few minutes as jambo follows after schlatt.

"hey." connor strolls in and chucks a bag of chips at me, "gotcha these."
"oh!" i grab them, "thank you."
"how are you feeling? schlatt sounded pretty worried when you were in hospital."
"i'm better ... i'll be better ..." i say, still misty from the kiss.

"you good?" he chuckles.
"yeah, yeah. just tired i guess. what's the plan for tonight?"
"well i think we're getting taco bell. schlatt's treat apparently. he's on cloud nine, that guy. he must've actually had a good valorant game." connor looks thoughtful.
"well- i hear his podcast is doing well, maybe that's it?"
"oh yeah! chuckle sandwich! love that one. we should have those guys over when they're next in town."
"yeah." i smile, "i miss them."

we end up watching the new icarly for a little while in the lounge area. schlatt and i keep glancing at each other with a palpable tension between us.
"god it's so weird seeing carly swear." connor laughs and shakes his head.
"yeah .. it feels wrong almost." i smile.
"i wish sam were on too. i know she doesn't want to but it still would've been nice."

carly talks on screen about not dating or making videos because of how embarrassing her life is.
"me in the hospital." i say.
"it's not embarrassing to get pneumonia. little jambo wasn't embarrassed."
i look over at schlatt to see him holding jambo's paws and making them wave at me. it's so sweet i giggle to myself, "you're right. we survived jambo that's cool."

"alright." schlatt gets up with a sigh, "i'm gonna go grab the taco bell."
"oh can i get-"

"quesarito with large fries and a cola?"

i smile, "look who remembered."
"why would i forget? copying me since day one." he shrugs and plops jambo onto me.
"later skaters."
"see you, schlatt." connor waves him away.

i cant stop thinking about the kiss.  i can't believe we finally did it. does this mean we're a thing? should i pursue this? how does he feel about it?

after some minutes i turn to connor.
"can i ask you for some advice?"
he nods, "sure, sure."
"i've been ... contacted by an org... but i can't tell you which one because they told me not to..."
"okay... " he mimics my unsure tone.
"but i'm not sure if i should... join... the org?" i'm being so bad at this... hes gotta know what i'm talking about?


hes realised-

"i know exactly what to do here."
"weigh out the pros and cons! you know, the good, the bad. get it?"

thank god,,

"sure! that works! thank you connor." i smile.
"no problem!"
"sweet, thank you." i hop up and head to my room to write out this list.

so i get out a sheet of paper.


what i hate:

what i love:

schlatt (+lunch club) : babysitterWhere stories live. Discover now