+ seven

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"say cheese!" charlie snaps a photo of ted and i on the camera as we walk back into the lounge.

"boys, we got a lunch employee. y/n's gonna be helping us with filming and editing and everything." ted announces. the declaration is met with cheers from all but one.

schlatt scowls and whispers something to cooper.

"what was that jmoney?" charlie laughs, thinking he told a joke.
"nothing. it was nothing." he shoves his hands in his pockets and goes upstairs.

"damn. what's with him?"

"alright, action."

"my name is schlatt, i am 36 years old."

ted stops him and sighs, "you're not that old schlatt!"

"schlatt take two."

"my name is schlatt, i am 27."

ted holds his head in his hands but continues recording.

"i went to harvard."
i squint at him doubtfully.
he smiles at me and teases, "i completed all four years."
"what-" ted looks between us, confused.
"came back, did some more."

"y/n wanna do a bit." charlie shoves a dog treat in my face.

i laugh a little at all of them as they mess around, excited for the future of the group. they each take turns doing little intros and explanations, each showcasing their amazing chemistry with the other members.

"my name is travis i'm nineteen and i'm uhhh."

"you don't NEED to do a third bit travis! take three!"

"my names travis i'm nineteen and i'm LUNCH."

i let out a laugh which has to be cut out later.

most of them are great at answering the questions with fun bits and whatnot, but schlatt seems unusual hesitant to share things about himself.

"you've shared this on stream before schlatt, don't be shy."
"no i need this off the records." he glances at me.
"i know you're from new york."
"you want y/n to leave?"

ted is lost, "what's the deal with her?"
"c'mon you know me i'm just a mean guy. it's a front though."
"oh yeah?"
"i'm actually scared of people." he sips his drink, finally getting a bit going.
"are you serious?"
"that's why i won't answer it."
"people in general?"
"yeah. people called y/n."
"you should be, dickwad."

"yeah because people will find you, see. she's gonna hunt me down and kill me. look at her."
"she's just standing there."
"yeah, menacingly."

i hold the camera steady for ted as he does his parts and help him.
"what.. is my role in lunch club?" he asks cooper.
"ted just say what you said when we first met."
"oh yeah i was all 'i'm kinda the leader'"
"i tell everyone what to do and why they suck!"
i chuckle and give him a thumbs up, "great work theodore."

for noah, we find a common opinion between ourselves.
"alright noah, thoughts on schlatt."
"what do i think of schlatt? i think hes got a dark secret."
i laugh from behind the camera, "right??"
"i think hes got a dark secret! something gnawing at him!"
"exactly. perfect shot, noah. thank you."

"now who would you guys sacrifice if you had to?"
they all somehow answer ted, much to his annoyance.

"what's wrong with me??"
"nothing personal. you just got long bones."

we wrap up the intros with ease and ted decides to give editing over to an editor for our first video so i don't have too heavy a workload when beginning.

"alright boys let's crack open some 'ronas to celebrate the beginning of lunch club! woo!" noah plonks a box of beers onto the table as the others cheer for the new group name.

"i'm gonna be honest," i smile, sipping my water, "lunch club is such a good name."
"right?? i'm proud of it." charlie grins.
travis approaches with his usual vibe radiating from him, "i love lunch."
"travis you are lunch!"
"oh yeah! 19 and lunch!" he giggles.

"y/n can you maybe just do our social media like, from a distance. say, another state." schlatt sighs, completely out of the blue.
"what is your problem with me?"
"i don't like women on the team."
"wow, real original."

ted scowls at him, "what the hell schlatt?"
"what? i'm just being honest. she's just gonna complain and ruin the fun." he looks a little nervous.
"why are you just straight up lying?"
"i'm being honest. do what you want but don't come crying to me when you realise how dumb it'll be." he walks off in a grump.

"i'm sorry dude, i don't know what's with him."
"it's fine, i didn't really like him that much anyways."
his footsteps halt for a second before starting up the stairs.

"alright so tomorrow we're doing a YLYL stream and then swagger wants to call us after that. also somebody's gotta cook dinner tomorrow night because we got all this food to use up." ted gestures to the fridge as he munches on a burger.

"not me, i'm streaming."
"i think i might be able to!"charlie smiles and i light up.
"nice! i can cook with you charles!"
"yes! kitchen buddies!" he holds up a hands for a high five and i smack mine right on it.
"what are we cookin?"
"we'll see what's available later on and make something out of what's here! it'll be fun!"
i nod excitedly, "yeah!

it'll be fun."

schlatt (+lunch club) : babysitterWhere stories live. Discover now