+ eleven

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we arrive in a field in bumfuck australia. all of us pour out of the minivan along with 50 cans and bottles from chad's apparent alcoholism. schlatt doesn't talk to me the whole time we set up tents and everything. all he says to me is, "i hope i don't have to stay with you." to which i tell him i had an airbnb at the edge of the field and he was content. whenever i think maybe we could be friends he goes back to being a cold asshole.

however, mason and a couple other guys actually like me, so screw schlatt. we sit around the fire under the stars talking crap about anything as they crack open more beers than i've ever seen before.
"you need a stubby y/n?"
"ahh... i've never actually drank before."
the group of them cry out i'm surprise, "NO FUCKING WAY MATE"

"it's not like you can sneak drinks into the hospital!"
"the hospital??"
"oh yeah, i spent most of life in the hospital my whole body's a bit fucked, immune system and stuff."

mason frowns, "aw man that sucks. you're good now right?"
"ehh," i wiggle my hand in the air, "pretty much, i just have to take meds and be careful."
swagger chimes in, "well does alcohol affect your meds?"
"well.. no-"
he sticks a can in my face, "try a piña colada!"
"alright." i chuckle, "i'm gonna be a huge lightweight though!"
"ahh schlatt!" mason calls him over.

he plods to us, boots squelching in the wet grass, "hey boys."
"schlatt look after y/n if she gets completely sloshed." mason grabs his arm and pats it heavily.
"wh- her? no way ted already asked me to babysit i don't need you on my ass too. she'll be fine."

i let out a burp after chugging some of the piña colada, "this stuff slaps"

"i'm not dealing with drunk y/n."
"i will mate! she's a riot!" mason smiles at me and i wave happily.

"we need some fuckin jamming music! bucks gimme your phone i'm gonna pick songs."
"ah.. okay." he hands it to me and chuckles.
"put this in your pipe and smoke it, boys!" to their surprise, i put on some 50s swing jazz.

"nah fuck off! when did you get cultured!" swagger chuckles loudly as mason gets up and starts dancing like an old fashioned guy. i finish the cocktail can and get up to dance with him, laughing excitedly. we look like a couple of 50s swingers, moving our hands and feet to the music. schlatt sits slumped in a chair, grumpily staring up at us. "you stole this from my playlist."
"this is mine nutbag!"
"yeah it's her playlist dude."
"still stole."
"don't be a bitter betty." i dance extra hard and mason laughs.

we dance for what seems like a couple minutes, but apparently it's hours. as an ella fitzgerald song fades out and i fall back into a camping chair, buck asks more about me. "what were your parents doing while you were in hospital?"

geez way to bring it down.

"well they were never really married i was a lovechild. dad remarried and moved to oregon with his new family and mom lives in paris with her latest fling. it's cool though, they both support me with enough money and i have nurse jo."
"man, y/n, things seem so shitty in your life i'm so sorry."
"don't be dude! i'm fine, really. let's get back to partying."

"no y/n i think you should go. this is a guys thing, you've kinda overstepped the line now." schlatt shakes his head.

"mate what? she was recording bits, she's just doing her job."
"no it's fine guys i don't want to intrude. i'll let you boys be boys." i put my hand up and get out of my chair.
"at least walk her there dude." swagger sighs.
he gets up begrudgingly and walk behind me as we go.

"is it the new yorker in you?"
"is that why you're such an asshole."
he sighs heavily.
"and i thought the LA guys would be the mean ones."
"just shut up.." he says, almost sadly.

so i do.

we walk back to my airbnb in silence, listening to only the animals and the squelching of our shoes. when i get to the door and step inside, he looks at me with that usual look of hatred, but i notice something else in his eyes. maybe i'm just drunk...
"night." he shuts the door himself.

i stand there for a minute, wobbling a little. my phone pings.


ok ok ive got it

oh htats perfect!!!!

haha i thought you'd love it
you okay?

i want to come back to LA

ah :/
i'm not gonna be there for a while
but i'll be here to talk always :)
ted and charlie will be there too!
they're staying at the Misfits LA place

ah cool these guys are fun :)
i like mason

you got access to a computer there?


make your twitch! i'll go live when you get back and host you and you'll get so many followers so fast!

dude YES

finally something to distract me from schlatt. i get on my laptop and set up the account with a little icon from my instagram. it takes a couple of minutes and i'm pretty proud of it after. i can't wait to get back and become... a streamer i guess

schlatt (+lunch club) : babysitterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora