Defenders (1)

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One of the best and worst things that had ever happened to me was when I found out how different I truly was. I'd thought that I was nothing but a freak; I'd felt that way my entire life. All of that was about to change.

But this story doesn't start with me.

It was a foggy night, when he was first called in. He knew it was coming; he just didn’t know when. But on this foggy June night, it was finally time.

His father was the one who got the mail that day, though he had chosen to retrieve it rather late. When he saw the letter for his son, he couldn’t help but grin. He had been waiting for this ever since he had retired.

“Aiden,” he called out to his son once he went inside, dropping his keys on the table with a clank. “Something came in the mail for you.”

Aiden practically ran into the room, skidding as he tried to stop. His father proudly handed him the letter, and Aiden took it just as proudly. He tried not to shake as he opened it.

Dear Mr. Payne,

We are proud to inform you that your time with the Defensive Affairs Unit has finally come. Just like your father, we have put you on a team of five teens with you as the leader. The first member of your team is Anthony Stiffler. His grandfather was was with us over fifty years ago. He was born with super speed and an exceptional mind. With a photographic memory, he remembers everything. He will be a great addition to your team.

Aiden nodded in agreement, deciding that brains and speed were definitely something the team needed. Anthony was a good choice; an eidetic memory would come in handy in tricky situations.

The next is Kristie Callahan. She is currently in a hospital with no recollection of who her family is, so we have no way of telling who in her family was a part of one of our teams, though our system says that she is related to someone. She was born with intense beauty and the power of shapeshifting.

Aiden nodded his approval. So far, his future team didn’t seem too bad. He had a smart guy and an attractive girl. He was almost afraid to keep on reading, since he didn’t think it could have gotten any better than that.

The third member of your team is Dexter Wolff. He prefers to go by Dex for short. He is the son of the deceased Andy Wolff, who died fighting for us twelve years ago.

Aiden’s eyebrows rose, and he was both surprised and impressed at the same time. Andy Wolff was one of the most notorious members of the DAU, and Aiden’s father had been lucky enough to be on a team with him. Aiden was sure he would get along nicely with Dex, if he was anything like his father.

After his mother’s death nine years ago, he has been living with his adoptive mother and father. He was born with incredible strength and the ability to become invisible, getting his strength from his father. He will definitely be a great addition to your team.

Okay. So far, everything looked like it was going to work out. There was only one other person to go, and he already had three great members. But knowing the luck of most leaders of teams from the DAU, there was always at least one member that wasn’t exactly the greatest.

Lastly, there is Violet King. Both of her parents had been on the same team with your father. Both of them, unfortunately, have passed. Violet is currently in her fifth foster home since her parents’ passing, and she has been there for about five years now. She was born with the power of telekinesis.

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