Defenders (17)

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“What do you think Hank and Nay want to talk to us about?” Kristie asked as she sat cross legged on her bed.

I shrugged as I continued to change out of my pajamas. “I have no idea.”

It probably wasn’t anything good. It hardly ever was. The only good news they had ever given me was the fact that we had an exercise room. Now I was in there every day working out, and it felt amazing to blow off steam.

Suddenly, Kristie started screaming, causing me to jump and drop my shirt onto the ground. Not wanting to be completely shirtless, I bent over and picked it up as quickly as I could, but I didn’t have enough time to put it on because the boys were now rushing in. I immediately held my shirt to my bare chest, since there wasn’t anything else I could do in the short amount of time I had.

“What’s wrong?” Aiden demanded over Kristie’s screams, which finally died down once she saw Aiden and our other two teammates.

“I’m kind of changing!” I screamed, even though I wasn’t “kind of” changing, I totally was.

Aiden didn’t seem to think that anything was wrong with this as he said, “But Kristie screamed.”

So that made it all better? No!

Dex’s eyes went wide when he saw me. “Whoa.”

He had seen me in only a towel before, but I guess that was different. My upper half was more covered then than it was now. I felt my entire face heat up with embarrassment. Could they just leave so I could put my shirt on?

“What did you even scream about, Kristie?” I had to ask, knowing the answer would get the boys out of our room faster.

She shakily pointed to the ground by Dex’s feet. “Spider!”

She was kidding, right? She had to have been kidding. She did not just scream and have the boys practically see me naked just because she was afraid of spiders. Now she annoyed me even more than she had before.

Dex let out a sigh, stepping forward and stomping on the spider. “Happy now?” he asked.

The redhead nodded. “Uh-huh.”

There was now a knock on the open door, and Nay popped her head in. She blinked when she saw I wasn’t wearing my shirt. “Hank and I are ready for you now,” was all she said, and I just stood there in shock. “But I think you should probably put that shirt on, Violet.”

I rolled my eyes. “No, I was planning on walking around without a shirt on today.”

Dex shoved his hands into his pockets. “Wouldn’t bother me,” was what he muttered, but no one else seemed to heard him. I chose to ignore this comment.

The boys left the room along with Nay and Kristie, and I quickly finished changing without anyone around. I then left my room and went down the hall to the meeting room, where I knew they would all be waiting for me.

“So I heard you had a wardrobe malfunction,” Hank grinned when I finally joined them.

I made a face. “It wasn’t a wardrobe malfunction. It was boys walking into my room when I was in the middle of changing.”

Hank laughed and shook his head. “Boys can be so troublesome sometimes.”

You’re telling me.

“Anyway, we called you in here today because Aiden’s finally well enough to go out,” Nay explained, leaving out the fact that my ankle was still perfectly fine even though it had only spent one night in a cast. “It’s time for your next mission.”

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