Defenders (22)

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The first thing I noticed was how freaking cold it was outside.

We had to wait outside in line for fifteen minutes, and the small dress I was wearing did not help me against the cold at all. Kristie, of course, did not seem bothered by this at all in her little pink dress.

“This should be fun,” Kristie smiled at me, though I couldn't help but disagree. “It'll be so much fun to spend time with you! We never really get to have time with just the two of us. So it'll be fun! Girl time!”

She was way too excited for this, but I said nothing and just continued on my way inside the club once the bouncer let us through.

The inside of the club was everything I was expecting it to be. It was dark, only lot by florescent lights, and very loud with pounding music. I didn't know why anyone would actually want to be in there.

I was surrounded by sweaty bodies, which made me feel very uncomfortable. Kristie, as always, was not bothered. She even seemed to be enjoying herself, somehow. She did seem like the kind of girl that would like this type of thing, so I wasn’t very surprised.

I knew we were here to try to find Lynx, but I didn’t see how we’d be able to find her when the room was so dark. The strobe lights did not help whatsoever, even though they should have. And people were moving around so much that if we did find Lynx, we’d lose her right away.

Within three minutes of being inside the club, someone already came up and asked Kristie if she wanted to dance. She looked at me, as if asking if it was okay, but I only waved her away. I was sure that he would not be the first to ask her to dance that night.

I continued to look around as Kristie had fun. I could tell that I was going to be the only one doing any work on this mission because Kristie was going to be too busy dealing with all the males. I was really glad Aiden wasn’t here.

When I saw a familiar mane of wild, orange hair, I snapped my head in that direction to see that it was who I was thinking of. I practically yanked Kristie away from who she was dancing with to show her that I had found her.

“There's Lynx!” I cried out over the music, hiding behind moving people as I watched Lynx at the bar. “Kristie, look!”

It was easier than I thought it would have been, though I knew I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her or else I would lose her. I let go of Kristie and slowly made my way toward her, knowing my redheaded teammate would follow me.

But when I turned back toward Kristie, I was cut short by what I saw. Three guys were surrounding her, all laughing with her and obviously flirting with her, though she was completely oblivious about that.

I was not going to just stay in here and watch her stupidly flirt with guys while not even realizing what she was doing. Completely forgetting about the mission, I turned on my heal and started off. Kristie could deal with Lynx for all I cared.

I pushed my way through dancing parties and right out the door, though I soon realized that I did not exit out of the front door, but the back door instead, so I was now in a dark alley behind the club. That just made everything so much better.

“Ugh!” I groaned loudly, kicking over a trashcan without even thinking twice about it. “What's wrong with me, huh? Am I not pretty enough? Am I not special enough? Why is it always her?”

I always knew that I was jealous of Kristie. I was jealous of her looks, I was jealous of her hair, and I was jealous of all the attention she always got. She wasn't the only girl on the team. She wasn’t the only girl on the planet. I was here, too!

I wasn’t invisible. That was Dex’s power, not mine. I might not have been breathtakingly beautiful like Kristie was, but it wasn’t like I was painful to look at. Especially when I was all dressed up like this.

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