Defenders (5)

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A week later, I wasn't getting any better.

In fact, I felt like I was getting worse, even though both Nay and Hank said that I wasn't. But I still could barely pick anything up while everyone else on my team were able to use their powers like they had been pros for years.

"Your powers are a lot more difficult than everyone else's on the team," Nay informed me when she noticed how upset I was over all of this. "It's going to take some time before you really know what you're doing."

I just wanted to get it over with. I wanted to master these powers so I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. I didn't even want to think about how long it was going to take for me to actually understand any of this telekinesis business.

I mostly hoped that I'd be able to handle my powers soon because I didn't want to hold my team back, as obnoxious as they all were. If they were ready to go fight, but I could barely survive a training course, was I going to be dropped from the team, or make them wait until I was good enough?

I'd rather be dropped. I still didn't want to be in the DAU, even though I was more tolerant of it now. But it wasn't like I was about to call it my new home. 

"Alright, kids," Nay began now, and I could already tell that this wasn't something I was going to like at all. Usually, it always was. "Today, we'll be taking... a field trip."

She definitely didn't make it sound convincing, but the four members of my team seemed relieved at the fact that we were going to get to leave the training unit. Though I was tired of it as well, I could tell that they really wanted to go outside and do something else. I was so used to being in the same place, indoors, for a long period of time, so it didn't bother me... too much.

"Where're we going?" Aiden asked the question we were all wondering.

Nay smirked. "You'll see."

And in the next second, we were all suddenly being blindfolded. I couldn't see what was happening before me, but I heard grunts and shoves, and the familiar sound of Kristie shifting. And while I was being thrown over someone's shoulder, my teammates were able to break from their restraints.

I heard Nay tsk from my hanging position over whoever's shoulder. "Well, you all passed that test, but..."

"I know, I know," I muttered before she could even say my name, still hanging and blindfolded.

I was now set down, and I ripped the blindfold off before someone else could nicely untie it for me. I was angry; so angry that I felt a pain in my chest. Why couldn't I do anything when everyone else on my team could?

"You all will need to be blindfolded," Nay informed us now as she looked at the blindfolds we were now holding. "Not yet, of course, but once we get into the RV."

This didn't sound like a good idea at all. I didn't want to do this. I just wanted to go home. 

"This is..." was all I was able to say.

"So cool!" Kristie finished for me, even though I couldn't agree.

We made our way out of the training and base and toward the RV. 

We were stopped before we could get inside. Nay put the blindfolds on Kristie and me, while Hank put the blindfolds on the boys. Not being able to see suddenly really put me on edge.

"This brings back memories," RV practically sang, obviously excited as Nay and Hank guided us into the RV.

I was seated, but I didn't exactly know where, and it made me feel uneasy. I didn't like this at all. I did not feel comfortable being blindfolded around these strangers. I had barely known them for a week, and now I was expected to sit in a moving RV while not being able to see? No, thank you!

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