Defenders (18)

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“Violet!” I could hear Dex shout again, but he was the least of my worries right then.

I didn’t scream, because I knew that that would do no good. It wasn’t going to stop me from falling, so I just stayed silent as I panicked in my head. There had to be something I could do, right? There had to be something I could do to stop myself before I hit the ground!

The building I had fallen from was tall, so I had some time to think, but not much. The wind that was hitting my face was hurting my eyes, so I could barely keep them open.

This was how I was going to die. I didn’t think that this was the way I was going to go. After joining the DAU, I figured that was going to have something to do with my death, just like my parents’ deaths had been.

My parents. At least if I died now, I’d finally be with them again.

I closed my eyes and waited for the impact of the ground. I waited for my body to splatter against the pavement. But when the impact never came, and the wind stopped blowing past me, I cracked one eye open to see just what was going on.

I gasped when I saw what was happening. Instead of hitting the ground, I was floating about two inches above it. Before I could even really process what was going on, I then dropped and hit the ground, though this landing wasn’t fatal.

I just laid there on my stomach for a second. How had I survived that? How had I stopped myself from flying? What was going on?

I couldn’t see any of my teammates looking down at me as I rolled onto my back to look back up at the building I had fallen from. I was in shock. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do anymore.

Though I couldn’t see my teammates anymore, I could still hear them now that the wind was now longer blowing by my ears. At least, I could still hear Dex. Because he was shouting at the top of his lungs.

“I’ll fucking kill you!” he shouted, and I assumed he was directing this at Malicius. Leave it to Dex to still swear even when he thought his teammate was dead. “I’ll rip your throat out!”

Malicius laughed so loud that I could hear it from the pavement. “I’d like to see you try, tough guy!”

I needed to get back up there before someone did something stupid. Before someone actually turned up dead. But would I be able to get up there fast enough if I took the stairs, or even the elevator?

There was no way I’d get up there before someone got hurt that way. What was I going to do.

I finally pushed myself up off the ground, my legs a little wobbly. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to think of what I was supposed to do. I didn’t really have very much time to think.

I remembered how I had floated over the ground. How had I done that? I didn’t know. But if I could do that, maybe I could do even more…

I jumped up, but dropped right back down to the ground. I tried again, but had the same result. Closing my eyes and concentrating really hard, I jumped up one last time, but this time didn’t hit the ground. When I opened my eyes, I gasped to see that I was in the air.

And then this caused me to land right back on the ground again.

I didn’t have time for this. Concentrating once again, I floated up off the ground. I was flying. I was actually flying!

Without even thinking twice, I immediately took off toward the roof. I didn’t stop concentrating on what I was doing, because I did not want to fall from that height again.

When I finally got back onto the roof, I was almost expecting the sight I was met with. Aiden’s hands were on fire, shooting it at Malicius as he used his rocks to shield himself. He then used his other hand to throw rocks at Anthony, who easily dodged it with his super speed.

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