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Sitting in a luxurious five-star restaurant, she felt out of place. She wasn't used to such luxuries. The chandelier hung above their table.

The boys, goofing around with each other, were sitting at the biggest table, and due to the fact that her brothers looked like hand-sculpted homo sapiens, they were drawing the attention of every woman and some men's as well.

And she wasn't comfortable with every eye on their table. Keeping her head down, she played with her fingers.

The boys hyped themselves up even more when they saw their orders being placed on the table. My steak was placed in front of me by a beautiful young woman.

I smiled politely at her, and she thankfully returned it. Looking up, I found Hoseok looking at my waitress. I shook my head. "Boys will always be boys," I thought.

I was a few bites away from finishing my dinner when I felt as if I had just peed. The fork, which was in my hand, stopped midway.

And my eyes widened. NO!! This can't happen. Putting my fork down on the plate, I stood up and was about to go to the restroom. And obviously, my so-called brothers have to interrupt this time as well.

Yoongi: "Where are you going?" Pressing my lips together, I answered.

Y/n: "Restroom."

Yoongi: "Come quickly; we aren't going to wait for you if you take too much time. We're already done with our dinner."

Clenching my jaw to stop myself from rolling my eyes at him, I walked away from there as quickly as I could.

Seeing the stain on my underwear, I nearly wanted to cry out loud. Why now! I got them for the first time last year, and I know everything I need to know about them.

This is the worst time they could decide to torture me. I don't even have pads in the house!

After washing my hands, I came back and sat silently at the table. Looking at each one of them, I sighed. "I can't do this. Gosh, this is embarrassing."

Jin was sitting on my left, and Namjoon was on my right. "Alright, so left one it is." Just as I turned to talk to Jin, he stood up and went to a corner with his cell phone in his hand.

Would I look like a freak show if I pulled at my hair right now? Why the hell has this world decided to make this a "let's torture Y/n!"

My white skirt won't be able to hide it for too long; I need to tell one of them. But who? Yoongi? Ha! Nice joke. Hoseok? Hmm... maybe. But what about Jimin? I think not. The other three are a big no. So Hoseok it is.

He was sitting next to Namjoon, so I stood up and went towards him. Standing right behind him. I tapped his shoulder, and by doing so, I didn't just get his attention; all the others were looking at me as well. Of course this is a tortured Y/N dinner! What did I expect?

Y/n: "I wanted to ask you something." Lifting his brow, he encouraged me to talk further.

Y/n: "Uhemm... alone?" He stood up, and both of us went to a corner.

Hoseok: "What is it, Y/n? Was it necessary to come here?"

Y/n: "Uhmm... act-actually..." Goddddd, this is so embarrassing!
Y/n: "I wanted-wanted, actually I-"

Hoseok: "Say it, Y/N, I don't have all day for you." He looked slightly pissed. So I blurted it out.

Y/n: "I need pads..." He looked at me for a second, and when he registered what I had just said, his face showed utter disgust.

He rubbed his face vigorously with his hand. He looked at me and then rubbed his face again.
Hoseok: "This isn't happening..." he muttered.
Hoseok: "Fu*king hell!"
And I just stood there, rubbing my arm, with my burning face looking down.

Hoseok: "Come on." He led me back to the table, and to my utter horror, he went to Namjoon.

I stopped and tugged at his arm, wanting to pull him away, far away from everyone present in that room.

Hoseok: "Namjoon..." I don't know what he said to him, but at the end, Namjoon stood up with a blank expression and indicated that he would come with him with his head.

I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me. Why him out of everyone?

Y/n: "I can go with Jin; you don't have to come." It was more of a plea than a suggestion.

Namjoon: "Don't make it more hard for me than it already is." Bowing my head down in defeat, I followed him to the car, and both of us drove away.

Cashier: "Here you go." I grabbed the paper bag and quickly went to the restroom at the back of the pharmacy.

After everything was set, I came back to find Namjoon standing there with a big paper bag filled with pads.

With that, we went back to the house. As I was about to open the door to get out, he spoke.

Namjoon: "Y/n. The boys aren't educated enough about such stuff. At least the youngest ones are not. So if you ever need any help with this stuff, you can come to me."

For the first time since I met him. He felt like a human to me. Smiling sincerely at him, I thanked him.

Namjoon: "Y/n... I wanted to ask you something." I stopped unlocking the door again.

Y/n: "Yes.."
Namjoon: "About the pictures... how did you find them? Did you make copies of them?" I stiffened at his question.

Y/n: "I told you guys before, I only took two pictures from the basement, which were on the board..." I replied curtly.

Namjoon: "Than, where did you get them from? And why did you even take them? What were you doing with them?"
I gulped but replied.

Y/n: "I had them in my family photo book... I was just curious about something." Looking away from him, I replied. I'm afraid he'll get angry and do what he did to me in the basement.

Without waiting for him to further question me, I opened the car door and went inside the house.


Namjoon Pov:

"I had them in my family photo book." Her words kept repeating in my mind. Only we had those pictures, as far as I remember. And I remember Mom giving them to Mrs. Geena.

If Mrs. Geena had them, that means

Step BrothersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon