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Walking down the stairs in my white wedges was a little bit of a hustle for me, not to mention how uncomfortable I felt wearing that body-hugging black dress.

I kept pulling it down, not wanting to give a show of my pants to all the teenage harmonica boys that were in our house for the party.

Hyun-woo was the one who picked this dress when I told him I had nothing to wear at the party.

He had told me to get dressed while he helped my brother arrange the party.

It was already 9 p.m., and the party was in full blast. The floor was thumping with the sound of music coming from the two big speakers placed in the corner of the living room.

As I entered the kitchen, looking for Hyun-woo, I made eye contact with Yoongi. And with the look he gave me, I already knew I was in deep trouble.

But was I going to stay here and wait for his harsh words to come spitting out of his mouth? No. So quite swiftly, I managed to escape from his glares.

I took a cola in a plastic cup and went on my search for Hyun-woo. I could see so many people from our school and some from other schools as well. From freshman to seniors, all were present.

Everyone was dancing around with red cups in their hands; some were making out in the dark corners, while others were busy playing different games that were stepped up by my brother's.

The sliding door to the backyard was open, and I slid past the bodies of drunken teens to get there.

It was a whole other scene in the backyard. The crowd was huge; I barely had any space to move around. The whole crowd was shouting. Making my way to the front of the crowd, I saw the younger twins doing some dance moves.

And the crowd was cheering on them; a group of friends were standing near them, whistling and howling.

And of course, Hyun-woo had to be there as well. The red cup in my hand shook when he made eye contact with me and smirked.

He ran his tongue on his lower lip after checking me out. Taking a drink from one of his friends, he gulped all of it down in one go. Without breaking eye contact. And took a step toward me.

And I made a run as soon as I saw him coming towards me. The previous conversation with him passed through my mind.

Hyun-woo: "Just because I'm busy these days doesn't mean you get to whore around with other guys." His fingers caressed my cheek. "You will soon have all my attention, babe, so don't worry."

I fell to the ground as I bumped into someone's chest.
??: "I'm sorry, are you Y/n?"
Looking up, I found Hyun-tae looking down at me.

He gave me a hand and pulled me up on my feet.
Y/n: "Where were you? I was looking for you everywhere."

Hyun-tae: "Sorry. I was down in the basement with Namjoon."

Y/n: "I came as you wanted me to. I spent some time here; now I'm going to my room." He grabbed my arm.

Hyun-tae: "Wait what? Nooo"
Y/n: "But I-"
Hyun-woo: "Hey brother.."
My muscles tensed as I heard his voice. And shivered as he walked past me to his brother. His arm was slightly touching mine.

Hyun-tae: "Hey. Hoseak has been looking for you. Where have you been? And where are Jungkook and Taehyung?"

Hyun-woo: "Oh, we were just coming; don't worry. But won't you introduce this pretty one to me?" He gestured toward me.

Hyun-tae: "Oh yeah, sure. This is Y/n, my friend, and Y/n, this is Hyun-woo, my brother."
He extended his hand toward me. And so as not to get Hyun-tae suspicious, I shook it. His finger caressed the back of my hand. I pulled it away.

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