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Her father sat beside her, staring at her pale, bruised face that had been treated by the doctors as she lay lifeless in front of him. It was the beeping sound of the monitor that stopped him from losing his sanity, as it showed him his daughter's heartbeat, indicating that she was indeed alive.

Anger, guilt, regret, and many other emotions overpowered him, but regret was something that was eating him up. His hands took hold of hers, which looked so small in comparison to his. His fingers tenderly grazed over her wrist, which was wrapped in a bandage, hiding the marks from his eyes. But he knew if they weren't hidden underneath the layer of bandages, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from hating himself more than he already does.

His thoughts wandered to the time when he saw her a few months ago, in the same suit, laying on the hospital bed. Her mother's death wasn't something he had ever wished for. He had never wanted all this to happen. He never thought of falling in love with two people at the same time. He adores Nancy; she was the one he chose to bear his children, and they were blessed with seven of them. Even though they never planned to make that many. He chuckled at himself.

But then she came into his life, Geena. With her hazel-green eyes and that kind smile of hers, she made him fall for her, and before he knew it, she was pregnant. He didn't even have time to tell her about his marriage and children. He didn't know how he would face both of them and his children. He had to break two hearts by telling them about each other.

He clearly remembers the tears that fell from both of their eyes upon meeting each other for the first time. But they are the strongest people he has ever seen. It didn't take them long to accept each other, and before my eyes, they became the best of friends.

But it wasn't until a few months after Y/N's birth that the boys met her for the first time. It was me who didn't want them to know that she was their step-sister; they were still in their rebillious days, and it would have been difficult to handle them. So upon asking Nancy and Geena, we decided to introduce them as the daughters of a business partner.

And the little Y/N didn't take time to wrap everyone around her tiny little finger. Everything was going great until Geena started feeling insecure. About me and Y/N, I didn't and still don't know what or why she started fearing losing both of us.

It was Nancy's idea for me to move in with her and Y/N and stay with them; Geena was the only thing that concerned us. At that time, we didn't even take into consideration what the boys might feel about this.

And then one day I had to leave Nancy and the boys behind. But with time, Geena's insecurities just kept going on. It was at a point where even my going out for a walk was suspicious for her. And it was becoming difficult to breathe for me; her insecurities were starting to make me feel trapped. Fights and arguments were part of our daily routine. And I could see the effect it was having on Y/N, so I decided to leave. Maybe it will be better like this.

But when I came back to my boys, they were all so different from when I remember them—so aggressive and emotionless—that it took me a while to patch up with them. And when everything was starting to go well, the accident happened.

But I could have never imagined that my boys would hurt their sister this deeply. That they would hate her this much? But it was my fault for not telling them who she really is. What her relationship is with them. But most of all, I regret not seeing Y/N's pain. Even I am no saint and have hurt her, mistreated her, abused her by slapping her, and called my own flesh a w**** and a s***. I would never be able to forgive myself. In reality, she was going through such things.

Wiping the tears from the sleeves of my shirt, I ran my hand through her silky, smooth, long hair, just like her mother's. "I'm sorry, Y/n. Your dad is the worst. I'm so sorry, my dear."


My eyes opened from feeling pain in all my body. My back hurt the most, as if it were burning. I looked at my surroundings, realizing that I was in a hospital, laying on the bed. No one was around. The room was empty, and the lights were turned off. When I tried to sit, I bit back a scream as my muscles hurt.

It was such a hard task that all I could do was breathe heavily as I felt all of the energy leaving my body.

"Is anyone out there?" I called out but ended up coughing as if there was sandpaper in my throat. I was still coughing when someone placed a glass of water on my dried lips, and without a care of manners, I took in large gulps of it.

"Take it easy," someone said, and when I looked at the owner, I saw Yoongi standing beside me. "Let me call the doctor; you might be hurting." I didn't say anything as he went away to call someone. He came back with a doctor and a nurse. Who immediately came up to me and started examining me. Asking me some questions here and there, then gave me medicine and applied a soothing cream on my back. Which instantly made me relax.

Half an hour later, they were out of the ward, leaving me alone with Yoongi, who stood beside me throughout the time.

Yoongi: "Get some rest. "It's already 11 p.m." He spoke. But when I looked at him, he looked down at the floor, avoiding me.

"Is Namjoon alright?" I desperately wanted to know how he was. If he had woken up.

Yoongi: "He's fine; he's sleeping as well. You can meet him tomorrow." He came forward to help me with the blanket. But I flinched. And I saw him clenching his fists. He took a step back and turned to leave.

"Yoongi?" And he stops in his tracks.

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