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Y/N just got out of the shower, drying her hair with the towel. She didn't see the twins sitting on her bed. And yelled in surprise.

Taehyung: "Come to the basement." He commended.

Jungkook: "Quickly. We don't like to wait." He snapped his finger.

Y/N rolled her eyes at their behavior. And seeing that Jungkook growled and launched at her,

Pushing her backwards and encircling his hands around her neck, he flinched, and her entire being shook with fear.

Jungkook: "Don't, don't you ever dare to show such an attitude towards any of us." Anger was clear in his low voice.

But Y/N didn't hear any of this. There was a buzzing sound in her ears. And memories flashing in front of her eyes. Like a film on repeat.


??: "Y/N!" The voice roared, making her flinch, and a whimper escaped her mouth. Her tiny foam was hiding inside the pantry.

Tears cascading down her eyes. Fear engulfing every cell of her body. She shouldn't have done it. She shouldn't have agreed to work on the project when her partner was a guy.

She should have resisted more. Her conscious shouted Helplessness. That was what she was feeling.

She didn't hear the footsteps coming towards her. And with force, the door of the pantry opened. Causing her to let out a scream filled with terror.

He pulled her out by grabbing her hair. Her scalp was burning due to the force applied. Her hands instantly grabbed his, trying to fend them off.

??: "You piece of little shit. How dare you go out with a guy? Huh?" He shook her.

Y/n: "It was just for a class project. I swear!"

??: "Liar! You were there to whore around like the slut you are!" He accused her of things she never did.

Y/n: "I wasn't! "Please leave me." All the energy was draining out of her. She looked into his eyes. Pleading for mercy. But his anger-filled eyes weren't having any of it.

Without saying anything, he grabbed her neck, pushing her against the wall. Squeezing her neck, causing her to choke. Her eyes were looking frantically at him. Black dots started appearing in front of her eyes. It was getting harder to breathe. Her lungs screamed, not getting enough air.

And the next moment, the 12-year-old lost herself in an abyss of blackness.



Jungkook leaves her in a swift motion when he sees her losing consciousness. She falls on the wooden floor with a thud. Jungkook takes a step back in horror.

Taehyung: "What the fuck!" He leaps toward her. Pulling her head onto his lap, he taps her face, but when he gets no reaction, he presses his finger on the veins in her neck, and instantly a sigh of relief escapes his mouth.

Taehyung: "She's alive. Just fainted. Bro, how much pressure did you even apply to make her faint?" His statement somehow made him relax. He rubs his hand on his face, removing the sweat.

Jungkook: "I didn't even apply any pressure. I just touched her, bro." He steps closer, looking down at her.

Jungkook: "See, if I had applied any pressure, there must have been some sort of mark on her neck." He pointed at her neck.

Taehyung examined it as well, and Jungkook is right. There are no marks or scratches.

Taehyung: "Than what caused her to faint?" He frowned. What was wrong with this girl? He thought while gazing at her face.

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