13 | Little Sprout

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   The bracelet inside the glass box was as tattered and weathered as it was described in the novel. With rusting links and faded colours along the bracelet, Irene's eyes found the soul stone held by the worn metal, was still intact and pure. This plain stone - with a colourless sheen was exactly what she was looking for.

"Excuse me, Owner? If possible, I'd like to buy this stone." Irene smiled, catching the man and River's attention. It was then that the black-haired mage noticed that the faint magic he was sensing, was coming from the bracelet Irene was looking at.

The old man approached, and gently lifted the glass box off of the bracelet. "You want this? That's unexpected..." The man said, taking the bracelet into his hands. "It doesn't seem like something that would suit your tastes, Little Miss."

Irene smiled, tilting her head innocently. "It's alright, I can have the chains replaced with newer ones," she told him, confidently. "I just like the gemstone."

The man glanced down at the bracelet, still in confusion. But he decided to go along and sell it. It was sitting there helplessly for a good several years, anyway. Better to just give it to her.

As Irene asked the man how much he would take for the bracelet, River stepped forward, placing a slender hand on her head. "It's okay, I'll do the paying." He told her, before handing the old man a small bag filled with gold coins.

Irene blinked up at River, but didn't ask anything. For some reason, he appeared to be wearing a rather dark expression. His eye's were narrowed as if he were in a deep thought, and his face was displaying a shadow of concern.

Is something wrong...?

Irene pondered this for a moment, until his visage faded back into his neutral expression. Whatever it was, there was something definitely on River's mind. But that wasn't too important now. Sighing softly, Irene then turned her attention back to the old shopkeeper.

The man simply opened the little pouch, and took out a single gold coin, before handing back the rest. "I will take the appropriate figure, there's no need for you to give me this much." He told them flatly, which came as a slight surprise.

I guess he's not someone who's swayed by money.

River frowned, his lips slightly pursed. "Very well. Have a good day, Sir." He bowed his head, before turning with a swish of his cloak. Irene watched as he started to head for the exit, before he cast her a side-glance. "We should head back now, Milady."

Irene nodded, before following him. It seemed River was in a rush to head out, so she took the bracelet and hurried out of the shop. "Thank you, good Sir!" She waved goodbye at the old man, before following her teacher out.

As they took their leave, Irene smiled at her father who had been waiting outside along with the knights. Although River seemed a bit serious back at the shop, he had gone back to usual the moment they met with the others, pointing toward the book shop he wanted to show her.

Irene kept the bracelet hidden safely in her bag, for the rest of the day. As she continued to enjoy her excursion with Rudien, she was just happy to be enjoying her time with her father.

Soon, the Duke and his daughter had tired themselves out, and decided it was a good time to head home for the day. They bought a very great number of things, including gifts for Rayvis, such as a toy sword, as well as dresses that would suit Sarah.

The duke had even allowed River to splurge some money on books, at Irene's request. Although his face was always hard to read, the sparkle in her teacher's eyes made it clear he was greatful to her.

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