77 | Time Limit

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   The darkness of the night sky yielded to a pink dawn. Golden light peeked from beyond the horizon and flooded the room with radiance. Illuminated by the morning light, laid a sleeping young woman - her white hair shimmering like the glitter of snow under the sun. Milky skin pale and cold to the touch.

Even in her sleep, she was beautiful. So much so he couldn't take his eyes off her as he stood solitarily in the room. The more he gazed at her, the more his resolve strengthened.


Her name echoed in his mind, and as he stepped closer to the girl's bed, his blue eyes as deep as an ocean abyss fell to her small, dainty hands.

For a moment, he hesitated to touch her. But in the end, his palms searched for hers and he gently pressed his lean fingers over her hand. Her skin was warm, despite her limp state.

Stay strong...

I promise I'll bring you back, so until then...

Don't die.

   Taking in her sleeping appearance one final time, the prince closed his eyes. And with determination ablaze within his chest, he turned around on the plated heels of his boots and left the room.

   "Mother, I promise everything will be fine." Rayvis' gentle voice echoed through the garden as walls of wisteria flowers danced elegantly in the breeze. The gates of the Cherliann's estate were wide open, as numerous stallions and uniformed soldiers readied themselves for the journey ahead.

Despite Rudien's permission to use the entirety of the first division for this task, Rayvis personally selected only twelve capable knights to accompany him and the princes on their endeavour. A smaller group allowed faster mobility, and they had no intention to spark conflict or solve matters requiring the force of an army.

Rudien and Sarah had come to see off their son, as well as the young princes accompanying him to retrieve the summoner stone for Irene's recovery.

Despite their immediate departure, the distance between Laydel and Mount Terone was a great one, and it was likely they would be gone for over a month. Sarah stifled her tears but the worry in her eyes remained.

In the end, Rudien had explained the situation to his wife whilst doing his best to help her remain calm for her own sake. This time was a distressing one, with both Sarah's difficult pregnancy and Irene's unconscious state. Now, Rayvis was leaving on an unpredictable journey, along with the two princes of the nation.

"Please take care. Mikael and Prince Daniel... You too." Sarah did her best to see them off with a smile, but knew it looked strained.

In the end, it was Mikael who smiled at her softly, his eyes warm and kind. "Aunt Sarah. We'll be home soon, so please try not to worry too much."

Many of the knights were staring at him in awe - having never seen such a kind expression on the second prince's face before. For someone who rarely smiled to suddenly do so at a moment like this - even the Duchess of Cherliann couldn't believe her eyes. She knew it was Mikael's way of reassuring her. Still, Sarah was going to worry very much — but all she could do now was pray for their safety.

"No one here is dying on my watch." A confident voice proclaimed from overhead - and as they gazed up at the source, the majestic Phoenix made himself known. Though his presence surprised many of those within the estate, Snow had settled into the Cherliann residence properly this time. The day finally came where he didn't have to hide himself from others anymore.

If only the sprout was awake to see their faces... We could have laughed about it together.

"If anything happens, immediately report back," River instructed Snow. His lank black hair flowing in the wind. "I'll be right by the young lady's side. Keep the princes and the young lord safe. I leave everything else in your hands."

"Right! Take good care of my Sprout." Snow dipped his head, and perched his body on the back of a white stallion belonging to Rayvis Cherliann.

With a swift motion, the heir of the duchy leapt astride on his horse, before signalling his troops that they were ready to depart.

And before long, the knights filtered out of the estate. Once the last of them crossed the threshold, the closing of the estate's gates concluded in a deep clammer.

At last, they were off.

Rudien cast a sidelong gaze at his wife, his crimson irises reflected a perturbation for her health. But when he saw the small, hopeful smile cross her lips, his eyes widened a sliver.

"It will be okay," Sarah whispered, more to herself than to Rudien. But she then turned to face her husband with a confidence that radiated beautifully under the morning light. "I believe in them. Our children are strong. And so are Theodore's sons. They will get through this and so will we."

Her words sparked a warmth in his chest for the first time in a while. Rudien nodded softly, his silver hair flowing in the breeze.

Theodore's sons... It's been a while since I've heard anyone call them that. He thought, inclining his head to stare up at the cloudless sky. The name rippled a nostalgic familiarity in his chest, but one he remembered with distinct sadness.


If you're out there, somewhere. In the heavens or the afterlife...

   Watch over them. And over her.

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