16 | Little Sprout

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   After her visit to the knights, Irene went about her day as usual, with Snow following close behind. As she prepared for her morning classes with Sir River, the bird eyed all of the butlers and maids, trying to familiarise himself with his new surroundings.

Why do all these people look the same? He had wondered, lifting his wings slightly as his gaze followed a passing servant as Irene entered her bedroom. It was rather difficult to discern the faces of humans, especially when they were all uniformed in black and white — the attire of ducal servants.

There weren't many notably important-looking people, other than those Irene pointed out to him. Snow ensured he was aware of the people his new mistress wanted him to remember - wondering why such a small child felt the need to have all of these people protected.

Once Irene was in her lesson with River again, Snow had perched on the little white head of his companion, eyeing the dark-haired teacher in front of them. Strands of long black hair, resembling the midnight sky - were tied up into a ponytail as usual. His long bangs curled around his face, spectacles glinting in the light. River's demeanour was one that, albeit beautiful, also appeared mysterious.

"Little Sprout," Snow then called out to Irene, who was taking down notes on her teacher's words. "Who is this guy? He looks small but I'm sensing a great amount of power from him."

Irene paused, glancing up at the bird who's beady eyes were glued to River in curiosity. "This is River Alvenicht, my teacher and also a wizard in training." Irene told him. "I think he's a very strong mage, but I've never actually seen him use magic before."

Snow continued to gaze at her teacher as he listened to her words. But he looked more confused than entranced. "Are you sure this person is a man? He's so beautiful it makes me jealous."

Irene smiled, holding back a laugh. "Right? Sir River is so pretty. Though his lessons are a bit boring since I know everything - I don't mind because he's nice to look at."

Just then, River stopped, and loudly cleared his throat as though to get her attention. "Miss Irene, are you listening?" He asked, and the white-haired girl snapped out of her thoughts.

"A-Ah, sorry," she smiled sheepishly, her golden eyes noticing the slight crease in River's forehead. "My mind was elsewhere for a moment..."

He sighed, closing the book between his fingers. As the man adjusted his glasses, he placed a hand on his waist, leaning over the desk slightly. Irene blinked, as his gaze seemed to be hovering above her head.

"By the way, I've been wondering for a while now—" River started to ask. "But why is there a talking white bird on your head?"

... What?!

He can see Snow??

In that moment - both Irene and her phoenix snapped their heads to face each other in total astonishment, as if their secret had been exposed.

"He can see me?!" Snow squawked, turning to the mage and flapping his wings, before flying toward the dark-haired man and landing on the desk in front of him. "You can see me?! But how??"

River's brows were narrowed, and he was looking at the bird with the same look one would make when realising they stepped into something unpleasant.

The mage then closed his eyes and sighed, glancing back at Irene who was still in a state of shock. "I take it this isn't any animal, but a summoned spirit, My Lady?"

She gulped, averting her gaze. This outcome was definitely one she hadn't foreseen. Irene was sure that no one could see Snow, so why was River able to? Was it because he was a mage?

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