41 | Mirrored Blades

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   "He sure has been working hard." Irene sighed softly to herself, the soles of her shoes tapping against the concrete pathway, as she strolled lonesomely through the resplendent spring gardens of House Cherliann. Her tea-length gown was decorated with lovely floral patterns and silk frills at the hem - perfectly matching the white of her hair.

She was returning inside after another failed attempt at getting Mikael to spend time with her. Ever since he started taking lessons with Rayvis in sword mastery, Irene realised the two boys would practise even in their free time - and they were starting to get along with each other as a result. She felt content with the fact that they were friends now, although they wouldn't admit it. But a part of her felt slightly bored, being the only one left out.

"I'm happy to see Rayvis and Mikael get along and all, but don't you think they spend too much time together?" Irene asked Snow, who was flying along beside her as she took a walk down the pathway outside in the gardens. Myriads of white spring blossoms dappled across tree branches. "It's as if he's so caught up with training, Mikael's forgotten about me."

"Oh? I think you're just jealous." Snow teased, glancing at her with beady golden eyes, before perching on her shoulder.

She shot him a glare, tilting her head up to face her feathery companion. "It's not that! I just feel at a loss. Here's there, working really hard, and I'm here doing nothing but talking to a bird." She sighed, which elicited a look of offence on the bird's face.

"Hey! You insulted me just now didn't you?" He squawked, and Irene chuckled softly as Snow gently pecked at her head in retaliation.

As she tried to pry him off, the phoenix flapped his wings and gently landed on a nearby branch. His majestic feathers and lean body appeared elegant, noble and strong. The way he gazed at her in that moment felt different from usual.

"Why don't you try working hard at something you like?" He suggested, and Irene titled her head in surprise. "I've noticed those notebooks you'd write in every night, for fun. And you're always browsing for books in the library. Just do that?"

He noticed my bookworm habits? Irene smiled sheepishly, averting her gaze. Truthfully, she never did stop writing. Ever since she was able to read and understand the language of this world, Irene would fill notebooks full of ideas and stories - ones she imagined and even those of her favourite books from her previous life - so that she'd never forget the stories. This pastime was just something she did out of habit, though.

This world wasn't one that seemed to use books as a pastime. The only fiction stories that existed were directed to children, and even then - the cost of knowledge was high, so only nobles had access to books and information. Not many people immersed in the worlds of imagination like she did - which was something Irene wished was different about this world.

I mostly write for myself, but it was my dream to become a fully-published author. I even used to take part in competitions as a teenager... She thought, reminiscing about her previous life. Her passion was an uncommon one in a world like this - but that didn't mean she would fan out the flames.

It wouldn't hurt to keep pursuing it, right? After all - Irene Cherliann's life was no longer the same as when she wrote of it in her previous life.

Sarah was alive, Rudien became a doting father, Mikael and Irene got along, and even the original heroine - Isabella was her friend. Things were happening a little too peacefully, causing her to let down her guard.

During the peaceful moments... I guess it wouldn't hurt to continue doing what I enjoy.

"Well, maybe I'll give it a shot," she then said, smiling up at her phoenix companion. "Thanks for the idea, Snow."

The Author's WillTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang