58 | White Aster

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  Word of the ball hosted by Prince Daniel, spread like wildfire throughout the entire nation that very same day. As soon as Irene had returned home with her father, the manor seemed to immediately enliven with a flurry of maids and servants in a panic - in preparation for the upcoming event.

Irene's golden eyes observed the foyer, noticing a familiar group of noblemen standing ahead and seemingly immersed in a serious conversation. These were all the barons and counts who worked under Rudien. As though waiting in anticipation for the duke's arrival, they all crowded around him with panicked expressions.

"Your Grace! We heard the news!"

"Prince Daniel is returning to the palace, which has been locked for over a decade! He's trying to monopolise the throne!"

"His Highness Mikael is in a precarious position, the noble factions are already turning on him!"

"We have to do something!"

Irene frowned, gazing up at Rudien who simply sighed at the words of these frantic men. Strands of his silver hair fell over his ruby eyes, which were already heavy-lidded from how much work he had to do. Dealing with his unstable vassals wasn't going to help improve his condition.

This reaction was of course — not unexpected. Considering the Cherlianns were deemed as "Mikael supporters" in a way, those who were loyal to the duchy also sided with Rudien's decision to favour the second prince over the last four years. As a result, Mikael's reputation skyrocketed to the point he was already supported by over half the nobles in the empire, to run as the future sovereign.

A lot of these nobles went a little bit overboard in their support and beliefs — to the point they were prepared for a war between factions to break out.

Rudien's expression became stern, as he faced the nobles with a steely gaze.

"Mikael's position was always standing on thin ice. Many of the nobles who came to his side, only did so because they believed the first prince abandoned his duties," Although the men wore looks of concern, the duke only glared down at them with searing crimson eyes. "I don't know whether you are fools for being surprised at this outcome, but they were bound to switch back eventually."

From the way things are going, it seems the aristocracy is going to stir up trouble for the princes. Irene thought, glancing towards a doorway leading to one of the corridors. Her eyes widened a little bit at the sight of a young man, with perfect creamy-blonde hair and piercing sapphire orbs, leaning against the wall.

Their gaze met for a moment, but his expression only displayed the same indifferent, unfeeling look he always wore.


"I have no intention of becoming Emperor," the second prince's voice cut through the air like a frosty wind, and captured the attention of the nobles who seemed to be creating a fuss. "So stop starting unnecessary battles between me and my brother."

His lean figure and stoic expression displayed no hint of reluctance behind those words. Irene could tell more than anyone — Mikael wasn't someone who wanted conflict. Nor was he one that sought power and status. Being of royal blood meant nothing to him, so long as he could live as he wished.

Rudien closed his eyes, exhaling softly as he faced the discontented nobles. "You see? This conversation is pointless," The duke icily spoke, cutting the conversation short. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to continue to spend quality time with my daughter."

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