5| Class trial

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"Bitches, bros and nonbinary hoes! Welcome to another class trial! This time, the victim, Himiko Yumeno! Who will be the blackened!? I am sooo excited!!" Monokuma cheered, horror struck on the faces of the rest of the class. "Whoever killed her... I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL YOU SICK MONSTER!!" Tenko yelled at her classmates. Kokichi thought she was just being a dumb lesbian, but he didn't say that aloud. "Yeah, yeah! Sooo emotional!" Kokichi rolled his eyes.

As soon as the class trial began, Kaito immediately began to speak: "I think the culprit is Kokichi! He has been separating himself from the rest! He could have easily killed her!" Everyone's eyes were fixated on him. "Beg to differ?" Kokichi sighed: I am totally not the culprit!!" Kokichi grinned, pretty obviously. "Gonta thinks he is lying! Gonta knows Kokichi lies!" Gonta said, being the idiot he was. "No! That's wrong!" Shuichi suddenly interrupted. "First of all, that was obviously a trick... I don't think he is the culprit!" Shuichi continued. "How so?" Kaito asked. "Well, I do not remember Kokichi doing anything near Himiko, he was with me all the time. Was Himiko not away when Kokichi was in the Hospital?" Shuichi asked. "Well, she wanted to drink something, and then said she wanted privacy in the bathroom..." Tenko murmured. "So, that makes Tenko a suspect! Good job Shumai!!" Kokichi said with confidence. "No!? I could never!!" Tenko was about to lose it but held herself together. "There is one thing that I noticed, and that was the pan where Himiko was found in... wasn't that Korekiyo's...?" Shuichi asked with caution.

The trial went back and forth, and Korekiyo as the main suspect. He said he could never, yet no one believed him, so Kokichi decided to give a little hint for his beloved detective.

"Just because I'm wondering, Monokuma, everyone in the hospital was cured, am I right?" Kokichi asked. "Yep! That is correct!" He pipped up. "Hmm, but only in the hospital, I suppose!" Kokichi shrugged, and in the corner of his eyes, he saw that realisation had dawned upon Shuichi. "Wait, hold on a second... Kokichi, you might be on to something!" Shuichi said. "How!?" Kaito asked. "Just think about it! If someone who was infected would be outside of the hospital, they would still be infected!" Shuichi explained as everyone tensed up. "Well, how is that relevant?" Angie asked. "You dumb Atua fangirl! Of course, it's relevant!" Kokichi rolled his eyes. "M- Kokichi," Shuichi held the urge to say master: "Do you have any idea who it is?" He asked. "Well, I don't think it's one of the infected that we know... and there is only one person who didn't wear a face mask as we passed them..." Kokichi smirked. "You mean the fight...? Everyone had one on!" Kaito said confused. "Think! Dumb idiot! Tenko came to the fight after leaving Himiko in the bathroom! WHO WAS NOT THERE!?" Kokichi demanded. He was giving too many hints. "The only person that wasn't there... Angie?" Shuichi recalled. "I have no idea what you are talking about!!" Angie demanded. "Is that what Atua says?" Tenko growled. "...I SAY YOU ARE LIARS!!" Angie screamed. "What!?" "Angie couldn't, such a boring mortal! Idiots! Idiots!!" Angie continued. "What the heck!? Angie!?" Kaito yelped. "Ohh noo! Angie!! NOBODY CARES ABOUT HER!!" Angie yelled.

"So, I assume you are Atua?" Kokichi said calmly. "My name is Atua! Angie is gone!" Atua answered. "Here you have it! This is de despair sickness called possession!" Monokuma explained. "P-possessed!?" Kaito yelped. "Atua! Did you kill Himiko?" Shuichi asked. "I do not murder! I gave myself an offering!" Atua said decisively. "How... HOW DARE YOU!!" Tenko hit Angie on the head. "Hah... HAHAHAHAHAHAAA! FOOLS! I SHALL NOT GET PUNISHED!!" Atua laughed. "Well well! It's voting time!!" Monokuma announced.

Angie was the culprit, or actually, it was Atua. "You cannot punish a god!!" Atua laughed evilly. "Well, actually, I can" Monokuma shrugged. "Why did you kill Himiko..." Tenko said with a murderous voice. "Well, when those nuisances passed Angie, I suddenly was in her body, of course, it is annoying she is sick, but I POSSESSED HER!! I was hungry and saw a good offering that went to the bathroom at the time. Himiko was an easy snack! So in the bathroom, I suffocated her! In the kitchen, I started to cook her when I heard noises of people coming, but you were all too busy capturing those two that I could almost enjoy my meal when Angie herself refused! Annoying human! I fled just before you all found her body, and I am still hungry..." Atua explained. "That is... c-cruel!" Tenko cried. "Yes, so sad, am I right? Well, get ready, because it's punishment tiiimeee!!!" Monokuma announced. "I will not EVER DIE!!!" Atua said as they were led to the punishment, suddenly replaced by a worried look, "W-wait!" Angie screamed as she dissapeared.

(yes this is the only one I could find)

Everyone looked in terror as Angie the shsl artist hung there. Kokichi glanced at Shuichi, who was frozen in terror of the death.

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