Chapter Three | Penelope

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If the Duchess of Warwick were here, she would undoubtedly have given Penelope a rap on the wrist for telling Colonel Ash to refer to her by her given name

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If the Duchess of Warwick were here, she would undoubtedly have given Penelope a rap on the wrist for telling Colonel Ash to refer to her by her given name.

Actually, the duchess would have likely dragged Penelope away by her ear and never let her out in society again, considering that she'd just exposed a hell of a lot more to Colonel Ash than simply her name.

Penelope's cheek's flamed but she maintained her grin nonetheless.

It was quite lucky that her mother was not here then, wasn't it?

Colonel Ash had an odd sort of look on his face—as if he wasn't sure if he would return her smile or simply flee the room altogether. But Penelope waited for him to say something, shifting on restless toes as she remained hidden behind the stowed pocket door which connected her chambers with his. And finally, he spoke.

"I cannot."

"Excuse me?"

"I cannot call you Penelope. It would be most..."

The man made a face as though he'd smelled something rather foul.

Penelope sighed, spinning around to look at the clock resting on the mantle nearby. Where the devil was Collete? If Colonel Ash was here, doubtless others would be arriving as well, and she should be downstairs to greet them.

She turned back to the man before her, assessing him as nerves flitted about inside her. Adelaide had said that the colonel would be here to assist her for the duration of the house party.

And she most definitely had something that she required assistance with.

However, Colonel Ash was still attempting to find the right word, staring at her with that same confounded expression. His brows were pulled together, his jaw tight. He looked utterly perplexed about the current situation.

Oh god, she hoped he was not too dense. That would hardly serve them any good given the coup planned for this summer regarding Lord Lawton.

Penelope squared her shoulders before she spoke, despite the fact that he could not see them. "I trust that you were not intending to say it would be improper, Colonel, because I do believe in maintaining a lens of practicality at all times in my home. And if we are to work together, then I should need you to push your qualms aside regarding the way in which you refer and interact with a woman of my nature."

"Work together?" he questioned, raising a brow.

"Yes, that is why you are here, is it not?"

"I am only here to be of service to the—"

His mouth opened, but Penelope held up a hand to cut him off, not desiring to become sidetracked. She was required downstairs—that was the matter of importance at this moment. And she needed help to get there.

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