Chapter Twenty-Nine | Penelope and Lawton

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"Lord Lawton," Penelope called, catching the man as he crossed the grounds in the mid-afternoon sun

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"Lord Lawton," Penelope called, catching the man as he crossed the grounds in the mid-afternoon sun.

He startled a bit before glancing around, eyes landing on Penelope. It was evident from the slump of his shoulders that he relaxed upon seeing her. Or perhaps upon seeing her alone.

She flashed him a bright smile, knowing he did not suspect she knew what she did. He thought her safe, but he could not have been more wrong.

More and more, Penelope had noticed how his presence often vanished. And his excuses for parting from the rest of the guests in the evening were not well-developed. She even heard him comment the other day about a relation in France he hoped to visit within the coming months.

All signs pointed to Lawton being their smuggler, and she was prepared to follow them.

"Are you still enjoying the grounds?" she called.

He nodded genially. "Quite."

When Penelope reached where Lawton stood, she halted and gave him another warm grin. "I do hope my recommendations for some peace and quiet have proved useful."

"They have." He returned her grin. "I am grateful for the suggestions."

"Of course."

Lawton's brows pulled together as he did a quick surveillance of the grounds around them. "Where is Colonel Ash today? You are usually found together, no?"

She nodded, becoming used to this comment. Which also meant she had a response prepared and ready to unload.

"Yes, while Colonel Ash is a special guest of Lord Farrington's, the queen reached out to me personally to see that he had a warm welcome. So I have been ensuring his inclusion in the party's affairs."

"I see."

Penelope could tell by the look on his face that he did not necessarily believe what she was saying, but it was no matter. She already knew that Lawton gossiped about her in private; if he spoke of Penelope and Beckett, there would be truth to it, at least.

"The colonel left for a ride earlier," she added.

After this morning, Beckett appeared to need time to clear his head, and Penelope suggested he find some solace in nature. She knew he was not used to being within four walls for such an extended period, and she was confident it had its toll. Nor was he used to having to socialize so frequently.

Of course, he had attempted to argue, but she reminded him there was no evidence of harmful behavior from any of their guests. As he admitted this morning, his need to follow her around stemmed more from the pull between them and less because there was any actual cause for concern.

And because Beckett had not wanted to have to take back the very thing he'd made her promise...he was forced to agree. Which was for the best. Beckett's steps were noticeably lighter when Penelope caught him walking to the stables through her bedchamber window.

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