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Ch 13: Blake

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"We need him," Jada whispered to me, briefly placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder as she passed. At her words, my brows knitted together, casting Jada a confused look as she made her way over to the alien.

What was Jada thinking? How could we possibly trust him enough to need him?! He's a freaking alien!

The urge to voice my concerns aloud was quickly silenced when the alien glanced past an approaching Jada to look at me. His freakishly dark eyes met mine and I cringed, quickly looking away.

"You've got a deal...Vorian was it?" I heard Jada announce, regaining my attention. Unlike me, Jada looked at the tall alien that towered over her short frame with confidence. Her nonchalance about the whole situation was unnerving, to say the least.

At Jada's words, the alien nodded, visibly relaxing at the prospect of receiving help.

"Though before we can help you, I need you to do something for me first..." Jada began, pausing to look at the exposed silver skin of the alien's chest. "I'll need you to put on some clothes..." Jada concluded, looking up to hold the gaze of the hulking figure of the alien standing before her.

Once again, he nodded at her request, oddly eager to cooperate.

I frowned. I couldn't believe how cooperative he was, and it made me wonder what his reasons were. It was obvious that neither Jada nor I would be much of a threat to him in a fight. By his towering size and how fast he was able to move, it was clear he was much stronger than us. Not to mention I was currently unarmed, and I only had about three bullets left in the one gun I did have.

Which wasn't even enough to finish him off last time. I thought darkly, remembering how quickly he seemed to recover from being shot point-blank three times. I thought about taking out one of the knives I had stashed in my boots, or grabbing the knife that still lay on the floor from where he had tossed it aside, but either option arguably wouldn't do me any good.

If I recalled correctly, he had just crash-landed which meant he was likely already severely injured when I had shot him.

At the thought, a chill ran through me. If he could take three bullets after already being badly injured and be healed enough to walk around a few hours later, once he was fully healed, I had no idea just what exactly he would be capable of. And I really didn't want to find out.

"I have a spare bedroom you can use for the time being, and you can borrow some of my husband's old clothes too assuming they'll even fit," I heard Jada continue, giving the alien a warm smile.

All the while, I stood a few feet away, still watching the interaction in disbelief. I could not believe that Jada was going to let him stay here with us, but I had no place to argue. Jada had always been the more rational one between us; besides, this cabin was hers. I was a guest here and had no right to tell her who could and could not stay in her own home. Even if that guest was a seven-foot-tall alien.

Regardless, I still thought this was an incredibly stupid idea.

"Thank you," He said, glancing over at me again.

He had been doing that a lot, and it was starting to piss me off.

"What are you looking at?" I bit out, crossing my arms across my chest as I scowled at him. Out of all the things I had to be unnerved about, his eyes creeped me out the most. The way they swirled and moved on their own like individual galaxies was completely alien and absolutely terrifying.

The alien blinked a few times before responding. "I do not understand...I am looking at you." His brows became slightly drawn together as he watched me.

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