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Ch 12: Vorian

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My eyes instantly found themselves glued to the other Terran that had just entered the room. I narrowed my eyes as I took her in. Judging by her softer features, she was presumably another female Terran. However, she looked very different from the fiery green-eyed Terran that had shot me.

One main difference was her age. Her skin was rough, and sagged slightly, worn down by the labor of a long life. Also, her features were quite a bit different than the ones of the younger female Terran I held in front of me. Unlike the straight long hair of the younger Terran, the older female Terran had short curly hair that hung around her withered face in a mix of intriguing greys and browns, bouncing with her stiff steps as she made her way over.

As she approached, her gaze was knowing. She watched me with an air of intelligence that made me immediately defensive. If I had observed anything on this planet as of yet, it was to not underestimate the life forms here. From what I have experienced, though their weapons are relatively weak, the potential for Terrans to act hostile was extremely high.

Moving the younger Terran behind me with one arm, I watched the movements of the older female Terran carefully as she descended the stairs, keeping her dark eyes trained on me. By the steady beat of her heart and her steadfast gaze that held mine with purpose, I could perceive that this female was not hesitant of my presence like the other Terran was. As if in confirmation, the older Terran spoke:

"I think that's quite enough," She announced from the staircase, her calm voice carrying across the room.

It took me half a moment to realize that she spoke words that I could understand. I blinked at her, processing her perfect Zuran. Frowning, I searched her face, noticing the tip of a translation device sitting behind her ear. One that looked very much like the one I had.

The one that was now missing...

My eyes widened at the realization and I quickly reached to feel behind my ear, surprised to come across nothing. The Terran had stolen my translator and even figured out how to operate it.

I scoffed. It seemed that my ship was incorrect in its assumption about the threat level of the Terran species. As commander of an intergalactic fleet, I have come across my fair share of intelligent alien life. However, I was beginning to think that Terrans may top the list for cunning abilities. It was clear that they were not to be underestimated.

It made me wonder what else my ship got wrong about this planet.

"Let her go, can't you see you're upsetting her?" The older Terran spoke again, crossing her age-spotted arms across her chest. Her face had grown serious, looking up at me with challenging eyes. She had halted in her approach, coming to stand only about a few feet away.

I frowned at the older Terran for a moment as I thought about the meaning of her words.

Upsetting her? I was protecting her! I scoffed to myself, before glancing back at the younger female Terran I had held behind me. As my gaze fell on her, my heart sank.

Though she looked at me with a defensive gaze, I could see the apprehension behind her eyes. The Terran's emerald eyes were wide, and her lips parted with quick breaths as she pushed at my hand that was still firmly grasping her arm.

The older Terran was right. I was scaring her.

Immediately, I released my grip on the Terran as if burned but did not retreat from my position beside her. Instead, I watched in dismay as the young Terran took a few steps away from me, glaring at me as if I was the threat in the room.

Though to her I suppose I was...I thought with dismay. I was a stranger to this planet's culture. With each attempt to communicate with the Terran, I only made her more afraid of me, thus driving her further away. If I was to be successful, I had to be able to speak to her in a way she could understand, and to do that, I had to use my translation device.

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