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Ch 31: Vorian

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After considering my options, I complied, explaining the components of my ship for repairs to the one they called "Dr. Wright." Even though I gave as thorough an explanation as the situation called for, he seemed lost on many of my points. Nevertheless, despite these setbacks, I could tell he was far more competent than any other Terran in the room. And there were many...

All around me dozens of Terrans patrolled the underground area they had confined me to. Dressed in matching suits, they guarded me. I watched as they marched back and forth around the room with their archaic weapons strapped to their chests. Though their faces gave nothing away, the quick glances and unsteady breaths were telling enough to see that they were quite weary of my presence. Which I could hardly blame them for.

When they first took me here, and I realized what they had planned for me, I knew I had to escape. To my misfortune, there were far more Terrans hidden here than I had expected. In the heat of the chaos I had managed to take out a few of them, but they soon began injecting me with strange substances that made my head spin and my limbs grow weak. The effects were fleeting, but, it was long enough for them to drag my delirious body underground and to this accursed wall where I had been chained ever since.

The Terran's restraints were weak, but the substances they continued putting into my body neutralized any other attempts at escaping. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, and I reminded myself again that I had underestimated the Terrans.

I could only imagine what Blake would think of me now, seeing me reduced to such a state, I thought, remembering how fast she stood up to the threat. Even though I told her to stay put, as soon as they threatened to take me, she had come around the tree with my blaster raised and ready to fire.

I closed my eyes, a small smile chancing my lips as I pictured how her eyes had blazed with that green fire that was so unique to her as she prepared to hold her own against dozens of armed Terrans. Her bravery was admirable, making her truly a sight to behold. And as much as I wanted to let her attack, I knew it would be far too dangerous. Seeing how quickly the Terran's guns turned from me to aim at her made my chest swell with a sense of helplessness I had never felt before, and I realized I would do anything I could to keep her from harm. Even if that meant being chained to this dreaded wall under the supervision of these vermin.

Even though they had managed to subdue me enough to take me prisoner, at least I had finally found my ship. They were the ones that had taken it and kept it chained down here with me, which gave me hope that with the right plan, I could figure a way out of here and back to her.

So, for now, I cooperated, instructing Dr. Wright and his men on how to fix the control panel of my ship. I could hear the one they called "General Hoffield" speak.

"Round up all your heavy artillery and anything that can fly. We're going to have some company soon, and we need to be prepared," He spoke into a small black box before putting it back on his belt. His eyes met mine briefly, and his gaze flashed with something smug that made my blood boil.

There was nothing that I wanted more in this universe than to remove his head from his shoulders with my bare hands. Listening to him threaten Blake enraged me almost past rational thought, but, I knew I had to stay focused if I was ever to get out of here. He was the smallest leader I had ever seen, but he carried himself like he was above everyone – A trait that one would never see in a Zurian Fleet Commander and one that I immediately took advantage of.

As he droned on with his questions about my presence here on the planet Earth, I lied, telling him that my species could provide aid. Though our technology was likely capable of fixing Earth's atmosphere, we would likely not be staying long enough for such a feat. Yet, the thought gave me pause.

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