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Ch 26: Blake

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The following few days passed quickly and fortunately, nobody had wandered up the path of fallen trees to our cabin. The path led in a different direction from the main city, which gave us more time to evade wandering Deviants. But Jada and I knew it was only a matter of time before our luck ran out. Each day that we stayed here was another day we risked our lives.

With the threat of discovery constantly looming over us, I immediately got to work formulating a plan. In my mind, I had two tasks. First, Jada made it perfectly clear that I had to get Vorian back, and I knew that for my own consciousness, it was something I had to at least attempt. Secondly, I had to protect Jada. Even though she insisted I abandon her, I refused to leave Jada here unprotected.

With that in mind, an idea came to me one evening. It was a risky idea, but the only one where I could feasibly accomplish both tasks.

My plan had one main component; guns.

I needed guns and lots of them. Specifically, the ones that the Deviants had abandoned in the city. Yet the likelihood of them still laying on the streets was slim. So, in that case, I had to steal some, and I knew exactly who I needed to find to get them.

The red-haired Deviant.

For years I had been making trips to the city to scavenge, yet I had never encountered a Deviant that did not want to immediately kill me. Though he was still arguably bat-shit crazy, the Deviant wanted something from me. He was willing to talk to me, and even try striking a deal with me.

This meant he was capable of being reasoned with, making him my only ticket to a new supply of weapons. All I had to do was make him an offer he couldn't refuse.

Which should be easy enough. I thought, tucking Vorian's blaster into the holster strapped to my new black jeans.

Once I secured the guns, I could come back and make sure Jada was well-armed to fight off intruders in my absence. That way she at least stood a chance at protecting herself while remaining in the cabin until I could return with Vorian.

That is if I made it back at all...

The thought made me pause. What I was about to do was going to be incredibly risky. Not only would I have to try sneaking into a government compound, but I would somehow have to find Vorian and fight off anyone that got in my way. And I would have to do it alone.

I wasn't stupid. I knew it going to be next to impossible, but what choice did I have? Jada was right, Vorian was the key to a safer future. One where I didn't have to always look behind my back, or shoot anything that moved.

I had gotten so used to this life that I never thought about the potential of anything else. I was always prepared for the worst. It was too risky to think any other way. But after seeing how easily Vorian took care of a group of Deviants, I got a glimpse of a new future I didn't know was even possible. That, coupled with the debts I owed Vorian, was reason enough to risk everything to get him back.

When I told Jada of my plan, she was immediately skeptical.

"You're going back to the city first?" Jada asked incredulously while I packed my duffel bag to leave once again.

"You need a way to protect yourself. Besides, I have seen you shoot, you have impeccable aim," I argued, stuffing my bag with bandages, canned food, a restocked first aid kit, extra water bottles, and knives.

"By god, you are a stubborn girl. I told you to forget about me, Blake!" Jada pressed, grabbing my shoulder to make me look at her.

"I made up my mind, there's nothing you can say to make me change it," I snapped, taking her hand off my shoulder. I could hear Jada let out a disgruntled huff as I zipped up my bag, slinging it over my shoulder.

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