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Ch 40: Blake

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I awoke to the feeling of warmth spreading across my skin. Shifting under the covers, I sat up, running my hands through my sleep-tossed hair. After a few moments, I finally managed to open my eyes and was immediately met with the bright rays of morning sun peaking through my window, casting their warmth across the room.

Turning away from the bright sun, I let my eyes wander the bed until they settled upon the vacant mess of sheets where Vorian had once laid beside me and I felt my brows pull together in a frown.

Where was he? I thought briefly, glancing around my bedroom. My gaze eventually fell upon the wrinkled army uniform laid out on the floor and the memories of the day before came flooding back to me.

I remembered the kiss that Vorian and I had shared and my face flushed at the intimate memory. But I also remembered something else, something far less pleasant. From what I gathered last night, it was clear that something was bothering Vorian. Something that he wasn't telling me. He had been acting strange, even for him, ever since we kissed. I was too exhausted last night to bother prying it out of him when I finally had the chance. But today was a new day, and I would make sure he told me what was going on.

With that thought, I mustered the strength to finally get out of bed. Sliding off the mattress, I moved over to my dresser where I quickly changed into a fresh pair of dark jeans and a shirt before stepping before the mirror. Though I was still exhausted from the past few days, I was at least grateful that last night had helped somewhat in reducing how tired I looked. Running my brush through my hair, I tied it up before taking my gun off my desk and tucking it into the holster on my thigh, and heading out.

Stepping out of my room, I looked around the empty hallway before making my way down to Jada's room. As I approached, I could hear voices from just beyond her door. They were too quiet to make out the words, but I could recognize Jada's hushed tone along with a deeper male voice that I didn't.

Frowning, I gave the door a brief knock before turning the handle. Swinging it open, I was surprised to see that Jada was already awake. Though, perhaps more surprising was the fact that Dr. Wright was standing at her bedside with his hand resting on top of hers.

It seemed that neither of them had noticed me and I shut the door with an audible slam, making my presence known.

"Good morning, Blake," Jada called to me after hearing the door.

"Good morning," I replied and at the sound of my voice, Dr. Wright immediately snatched back his hand, turning around to face me as a blush stained his cheeks.

"How are you feeling today?" I asked, giving Dr. Wright a look before moving past him to come to stand beside Jada.

"I'm doing just fine," Jada replied, her lips lifting into a warm smile and I hummed, placing the backside of my hand against her forehead to feel for a fever. Fortunately, she felt fine.

"I'm thinking of getting started on breakfast if you feel up to some food," I said after a moment, moving my hand away.

At the mention of food, Jada beamed. "I can't wait."

"Then I'll be back soon," I said, smiling at her before taking my leave. As I headed for the door, Dr. Wright stepped out of my way and I didn't miss the chance to give him a warning look. I was fiercely protective of Jada, and still mistrusting of the man that I had spared from Dr. Grant's laboratory. But that would have to be an issue for another time. For now, I had to find Vorian.

Stepping out of the room, I closed the door behind me before making my way down the stairs and to the kitchen. As I entered, I saw Damian already down there, searching through the cabinets.

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