The Island Mishap

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All the students of Mr. Harrington class were buzzing with excitement. It was really a great opportunity. Mr. Harrington's friend Mr. Walter was taking the class on a tour. And the most exciting part was that they all were going by a private airplane of Mr. Walter.

Peter was excited too. His family has agreed to the trip at the cost that he would keep a tracker on himself all the time. So right now Peter was in the car with his father Tony stark on his way to the airport.

They reached the airport and Peter gave his father a big hug which he gladly returned.

"Peter you have kept everything, right? "

" Of course dad!"

"Ok then kiddo! Have fun."

With that Tony left and Peter entered the private area of the airport. He had came here a few times as Stark industries too had some planes and jets of their own.

Reaching there he saw some of his classmates along with Mr. Harrington. He moved towards Ned and MJ and greeted them.

"Hey, Ned , MJ."

"Hey dork" "hey Peter."

The trio started talking about everything that came on their mind. Suddenly Peter's senses warned him of someone on his left. He turned to find Flash moving towards him. Flash reached them and started mocking Peter.

"Parker, you must be feeling very lucky to even have a look of this private area. Believe me this is the only time you are going to  be able to ride a plane , let alone a private one."

Mj glared at him and said ," Why don't you stay away from us Eugene. I don't want to lose more brain cells by staying near you." 

Flash only scoffed and left after giving a nasty glare to Peter. Ned started laughing and said that he would love to see Flash face when he gets to know that not only Peter has been on private airplane so many times, but also Peter has a flying licence too.

Yes, Peter had a flying licence. He got it when he was thirteen. He has been flying planes from a very young age. His uncle Rhodey and aunt Carol has taught him how to fly one.

Soon all the students were there. Mr. Walter was there too. He himself was a pilot so he was going to fly the plane along with a other co pilot Mr. Smith.

Peter senses were going haywire near Mr. Smith so he decided it would be best to keep an eye on him.

All the students then boarded the plane. The plane was not that big but could easily contain thirty people and ten crew members. There were only fifteen students along with one teacher, so seating arrangement was not a problem.

Everyone took their seats . Peter sat with MJ and decided to send his family a message that he has boarded the plane. After a few minutes the intercom cackled to life.

"Everyone attention. This is your pilot Mr. Walter along with Mr. Smith. We are going to take off so please switch off your phone. Buckle your seatbelts and be ready for the flight. "

All the students cheered, while a few crewmembers advised them to buckle themselves as soon as possible.

Soon , they were in air and flying over the ocean. Peter was sleeping with his head on MJ's shoulder. Suddenly they heard some commotions from the cockpit. Peter woke up due to the sounds. The crew members ran there and opened the door and screamed. Mr. Harrington along with some of the students ran there too. Reaching there ,Peter was horrified by the sight. Mr. Smith was lying dead with foam coming out of his mouth. While Mr. Walter was laying there clutching his stomach where he was shot twice.

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