The History Test

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Peter loved school. Okay maybe not everything in school. After all he had bullies, but he surely loved the studying part. He was good at every subject.

Midtown High was mainly school for students who were pursuing in science and technology. For that the name Midtown high Science and Technology.

But Midtown surely believed that the students should be good in others subjects too. And that included history.

The teacher who taught them history came from the families of army and surely loved his work. But the students hated it. He was strict like a army man and would give a lot of tests.

So, Right now, on Monday, Peter was not surprised when the teacher announced a very important history test on World War II.

Everyone was groaning and muttering how the questions are going to be too hard as he would get the questions from his army family.

Peter was groaning and complaining too. The day ended but the students were still mortified for the History Test.

Peter too, when got home, was in a bad mood. Suddenly an idea popped in his head and he ran out of his room to the living room.

The Avengers were startled by this.

Peter took a breath and said," I have a emergency."

The Avengers started gearing up but were stopped by Peter.", not an avenger emergency. I have a history test on Wednesday and I need Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky help on the topic World War II." Peter told them.

The Avengers sat back again while some of them chuckled.

"Sure, Peter. We will help you." Steve assured Peter.

The next day Peter was not that mortified. He could see all of his classmates reading and studying history books even during lunch. Peter just chuckled at them. He noticed that Flash and Ned were studying too.

"Dude, don't you have to study for the history test?" Ned asked Peter.

" Actually Ned, Steve and Bucky are teaching me. So everything is good for me." Peter told Ned and his eyes widened.

"You are so lucky Dude."

When Peter came to the tower, he directly went to Steve and Bucky and the three sat down together. Steve and Bucky started telling Peter all about the World War II while he took notes and scribbled them down while asking questions here and there.

When they were done, Peter gave them a big smile and said,"Thank-you Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky. You were great help."

Bucky ruffled the teen's hairs and said," Anything for you маленький паук ."

The next day came soon and before the students knew, they were sitting in their history class. The teacher was grinning and distributing the question papers. The students were nervous and were fumbling with their pencils and pens.

When the papers were distributed, the teacher clapped his hands and said," So, students now you all have an hour to finish the test. You all have a free period today. In that period, I will come to distribute the papers back. Let's see how many of you can get above eighty percent. And also if you got above ninety percent, you will get a gift voucher. Now let's get started."

With that the students started the test. Peter found his paper easy. The paper contained the questions that he has solved with Steve and Bucky. Right now he was so much thankful to them. He finished the test in half in hour and stood up, " Sir, I am done." He told the teacher.

The teacher and the students looked at him shocked. Yes, Peter was genius but he too wasn't that good in history.

The teacher just nodded and took the paper. The second to be done was of course MJ within forty five minutes. Five minutes later, Ned was done too.

Peter Parker's crazy lifeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara