Flash is Spiderman???

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Peter's Sunday was going smoothly. He woke up early, trained with the Avengers, worked on some projects and now he was sitting in the living room absentmindedly going through different channels.

Suddenly one of the news channel grabbed his attention and he immediately went back to it.

'Spider man revealed. Spider-Man's identity is out.'

Peter couldn't belive this. I mean he was thinking of talking to his adoptive parents about revealing his identity, but the thought was still a Little scary. And how did the media know he was Spiderman? What if they found out about the adoption too?

Peter was really panicking when he heard the next line.

'Spiderman is none other than Eugene 'Flash' thompson.' 

Peter sighed in relief. But he was also a little angry with Flash. If some villains believed Flash, then he would be in great trouble.

Peter then started thinking what he shoul do. Then an idea came came in his mind. He called all the Avengers and Pepper in the living room and showed them the news. They all were a little angry too as they all knew about Peter's bullying. 

Peter then called Ned and MJ too and then told them all his plan. They all liked the plan really and agreed to leave Flash alone till then.

The next day when Peter entered the school, he could hear everyone whispering about Flash. He reached Ned and MJ and greeted them.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey dude! Can you belive it almost the whole school believes Flash." Ned said while MJ was glaring at Flash who was standing at the end of the hallway surrounded by a lot of people thanking him.

"I knew this school was filled with unobservant idiots. But seeing they are really this much unobservant, I am really disappointed." MJ said that made Peter chuckle. 

"Hey Parker!?" Peter heard Flash calling him and turned to face him.

"Aren't you and your loser friends going to thank me after what I have done for you all?" Flash asked. Peter, Ned and MJ looked at each other and then burst out laughing. Literally.

All the other occupants of the hallway were now looking at them in shock. Some because they all were laughing at Flash and mostly because MJ was lauging. 

Even Flash was looking a little confused. MJ was the first to control herself as she stopped laughing and turned to face Flash. She looked at him with full seriousness and said," You, Spiderman? That's the biggest joke of the century. Please don't say it again or I might die of laughter." 

With that Ned and Peter started laughing again. Flash was really getting irritated and embarrassed so he said, " I am Spider-Man. And I am not lying unlike the loser over here." He said motioning over at Peter who rolled his eyes.

MJ scoffed and said," Really, okay then. Let's have a deal. If I win, then you will accept that you are not Spiderman and wouldn't bully anyone in your whole life ever again but if you win I will do whatever you say for a whole week." 

The students in the hall way gasped while Flash smirked. "What do I have to do?" Flash asked.

"Nothing much. Just defeat Peter in a arm wrestle." MJ said and the whole hallway looked at her like she had gone mad. They all knew Flash would defeat Peter even if he was not Spiderman. Flash just smirked and agreed. They decided to have the match during lunch break.

While leaving Flash mocked Peter," Hope you will not run away Parker."

When lunch came everyone was excited. It was not everyday, when arm wrestle match happened. It was even more exciting considering the fact that one of the fighter was Spiderman while the other was a simple nerd who got bullied by the said Spiderman for last three years. And not to mention that MJ agreed to do anything for a whole week.

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