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So in this one Peter is around 20 as well as Ned and MJ. All of them are in MIT. Nobody other than the Avengers, Ned and MJ knows about Peter being a Stark and Spiderman.

Peter was excited and nervous. His dad was coming to teach his class on the topic of nanotechnology.  Peter knew everything about the topic as he himself had made many nanotech suits and gadgets.

So Right now Peter was sitting in his class surrounded by excited students. Everyone was whispering and chattering on how intresting the class would be.

Ned was too vibrating with excitement while MJ was only looking forward to the lesson.

Soon Tony entered the classroom with the proud smirk rested on his face.

Greeting the class he started the lesson.

The lesson was really interesting but Peter was a little bored. I mean come on, everyone would get bored to learn about something on which they work almost everyday.

So Peter just leaned back in his seat and started doodling on the last page of his notebook while humming to a song.

By the corner of his eyes, Peter could see the girl sitting beside him giving him a glare. Peter frowned, he didn't do anything wrong, then why was she glaring?

At last Peter decided to ignore her and continued on his doodling.

By the time when the class finished, the girl seemed to be fuming.

Suddenly she got up from her seat startling everyone in the class and pointed an accusing finger at Peter and said, "You! Who the hell do you think you are sitting like that doodling and humming songs when one of the most intelligent person on the Earth is giving a lesson??? Don't you think that you should at least try to listen to the lesson and learn something??"

Peter was clearly taken aback by this. But before he could reply, Tony spoke up, "Uh. I suggest you should calm down first miss. "

The girl was breathing heavily but sat down. Tony then turned to Peter and asked, "As for you, why didn't you tell me you were in this class yesterday? "

Peter shrugged and replied, "Didn't seem important, D..Mr. Stark. And by the way, the equation on the right is wrong. It should be -3 instead of 6."

Peter caught himself before he could call him dad. It was really weird to call his dad Mr. Stark once again.

Tony looked back at the board and righted his mistake while the class and especially that girl looked at Peter shocked.

Tony again turned back from the board and noticed Ned and MJ too.

"So the lesson is over now. And hey Ned and Scary Girl. " He said looking over at Ned and MJ.

While MJ gave him a short nod and went back to her reading Ned literally bounced with excitement.

"Hey Mr. Stark. And please say hi to everyone from the three of us. " He said while the class gaped.

At this Tony smiled broadly and said, "Oh actually about that you all are coming for a tour of Stark Industries tommorow. And Peter let me warn you everyone is really really excited to meet you again in person. Now I should leave cause you know how your mom gets when I am late for meetings. "

With that Tony gave everyone his iconic smirk and moved to leave the classroom.

While Peter was shocked. He tried to stop his father to get some information.

"What do you mean they are so excited? You guys are not planning something, are you? Mr. Stark? Mr. Stark? DAD!! " Peter called out our Tony was gone by then. While the class really couldn't comprehend what the hell happened.

Peter Parker's crazy lifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora