Tour guide Peter

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Peter was having a really good week so far. He had stayed home as the Avengers were having a training session for a few days.

After that only two days of school was left so, Peter decided to stay at home. He was working on different weapons for Avengers.

Now today was Friday and his class was having a surprise field trip according to Ned and MJ.

Peter really didn't wanted to go to the field trip so it was all good for him. Right now he was having a good feast of the pancakes made by Steve.

"Peter! Sweetheart! Can you go and do a tour? Everyone is just busy and I can't find anyone to do it. " Pepper's voice rang from behind of Peter.

Peter turned to Pepper and gave her a smile, "Sure, Mom! When are they coming? "

"Thank you sweetie! And they are coming at 9 o clock. " Pepper told Peter and Peter nodded. There was ten minutes left.

He turned back to Steve and said, "Thank you for the pancakes uncle Steve! " With that Peter ran to his room to get ready.

Stripping out of his PJs he decided on a Blue Jeans paired with a hoodie that said, 'If lost return to Tony Stark'.

Peter then ran down to the lobby.

Midtown high had a cliche yellow school bus standing in front of them. Students were rushing to climb the bus first while the teacher took the attendance.

When all the students had boarded the bus, the bus rolled on. Students chattered with each other excitedly.

Among the students sat the two and only friends of Peter. Ned and MJ.

Ned was bubbling with excitement while MJ was being Mj.

Soon the bus stopped in front of The Stark Tower and the students cheered loudly. They all scrambled down and entered the lobby.

The receptionist greeted them and said, " Welcome midtown high. Your tour guide would be here soon. "

One of the students raised their hand and asked,"Will we be seeing the avengers? "

The receptionist smiled and said, "Well, usually no. But your tour guide is really close with the Avengers so there is 95% chance that you will see some of the Avengers. The young boy is a complete cinnamon roll. He is actually around your age. Oh here he is. " The receptionist waved at someone and the students turned to look. Their eyes went wide with shock.

Peter hummed a song while on his way down to the lobby. Reaching the lobby, he moved forward and saw a tour group standing at a side while the receptionist Lillian was telling them something.

Lillian waved at him, and he happily waved back. The group turned to look at him and Peter's eyes went wide along with the group's in shock.

It was his class. He couldn't believe how luck Now. "Hey Everyone"
Peter decided to use some of his Stark and Spiderman confidence.

Lillian passed the badges to Peter and left. Peter turned to the group and said, "So let's get started. " but before he could say anything flash inturrepted him.

"Pathetic Parker! How did you managed to..... " Peter cut off Flash.

"Mr. Thompson, you are not in the school where you can bribe your way out or anywhere else where you can get away. You are in the stark Tower and here we have a zero bullying policy. You can't bully anyone, let alone a worker here. So I suggest to keep your mouth shut or you will be escorted out of here. And try to do anything, and I have every right and power to kick you out of the tower. And the same goes to everyone else. " Peter told the group with a tight smile and Flash glared at him.

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