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The moment you barged into their classroom, while Gojo was teaching, Maki had her attention on you. From that moment on, you had her attention.

"Gojo sensei!" You yelled as you slid open the door.

Gojo turned from his lesson- of course embracing a distraction when it came- and grinned brightly when he saw you. He opened his arms and you went in for a hug. "Y/N! How was that trip?"

You let go and grinned up at him. "Horrible."

Gojo grinned back just as happily. "Fantastic."

Maki raised her hand, a bit hesitant, as she narrowed her eyes on you. "Who's this?"

You turned your head to her, and seemed to just now notice the students in the room. "Oh, good morning!" You bowed your head slightly, before looking up at them brightly. "Are you all the first years?" You looked to Gojo. "There's quite a lot of them this year."

Gojo crossed his arms. "There's only one more than your year," he pointed out.

You shrugged. "Still a lot." You looked back at them, making direct eye contact with Maki. "I'm Y/N, although it's senpai to you."

Maki raised a brow, as Panda gestured to Inumaki. He'd already met you, while you were in your first year, so introductions weren't needed, and you weren't confused about the... Panda thing. "This is Inumaki-san. He uses cursed speech."


You nodded. "Oh yeah, the Inumaki clan, that's pretty cool. Nice to meet you kid."

"We're a year younger than you," Maki commented.

"Exactly, you three are practically babies," you smiled. Maki noticed you did that a lot. It was a bit unnerving. "What's your name baby girl?"

Gojo bit back a laugh, although he did let out a small choked sound. You grinned, fully aware of how that sounded. Panda hid his mouth behind his paw, so it was safe to assume he was also doing his best not to laugh. Inumaki kept his gaze on Maki with a pretty good poker face.

Maki hit her cheek, trying not to let her face flush.

She breathed deeply through her nose before talking. "Maki."

You took long strides to her desk and placed your hands on it, leaning forwards. "You a Zenin?"

Her jaw clenched. Was it obvious in some way? That must've been embarrassing for her family. "Yeah. You?"

"I'm not really from a family of curse users. I've got a distant uncle, but other than that no one really important." Maki found that hard to believe. She couldn't sense cursed energy due to her own lack of, but the sheer confidence that radiated off of you could fool any one into thinking you were skilled.

You looked back at Gojo. "Is Hakari back yet?"

He shook his head. "Should be back tomorrow, you're just early."

"That's cause you always give me weak curses." You turned around and leaned back on Maki's desk. Maki's eyebrow twitched but she didn't say a word. "C'mon sensei, you've gotta assign me something better than a third grade."

"Third grade?" Panda repeated. "Aren't you a first grade sorcerer?"

You nodded and looked at Gojo pointedly.

He sighed and lifted up a piece of chalk, playing around with it. "We've got to be more careful with you, you know that."

You huffed lightly, Maki was the only one who even heard it. You pushed yourself off of her desk and looked back at the first years. "Have fun then."

"Who does she think she is?!" Maki immediately burst out when you left. "Leaning on my desk like that, calling me a baby! Don't tell me every senpai here is like that?!"

Gojo grinned, tapping on the board, slightly dreading having to actually teach textbook stuff again. "C'mon, let's get the lesson over with then."

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