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"So," you smiled brightly as you strolled down the sidewalk, Maki at your side, matching your slow pace. "You look good in my clothes."

Maki blushed- fuck, fuck, fuck- and shoved her hands in the pocket of the overalls she'd borrowed from you. She tugged at the strap on her shoulder, looking away from you. "Thanks."

Your hands were very full, with your wallet, keys and phone, so you asked Maki if she could hold your keys for a bit to make your grasp on things less awkward. "I could hold all your things in my pockets," she offered.

You looked up at her gratefully. "Seriously? Thanks, that would be great."

You handed her your phone as well, and opened up your wallet. "What do you want, I have a lot of cash."

"Anything, I don't mind," she answered, scratching her wrist.

You shoved her shoulder playfully. "Come on, you have to choose something."

"Just get a meal we can share, I seriously don't mind," Maki said, hesitating before shoving you back. You giggled. Yes, giggled. You couldn't groan out loud, in fear of seeming more weird, but inside you were yelling at yourself. Giggle, giggle like a fucking school girl, oh my god Y/N, you're her senpai, how could you-



"I was asking where you're going. We just passed by a McDonalds."

I'm going to die.

"How's first year going?" you asked as you sipped your drink. "That was a fun year."

"It's fine," Maki answered, reaching out for a fry. She'd been eating a bit hesitantly. She obviously didn't feel comfortable yet. 

"If you have any questions or anything," you offered. "Feel free to ask me. I mean, I'm the only one you could come up to, let's be honest."

"Why do you say that?"

You raised your eyebrows. "I mean, do you really think Kinji or Kirara would give you a reasonable answer?"

Maki tilted her head, "That's true but who says you're answer will be reasonable."

"Me," you answered breezily.

Maki huffed. You looked up at her, eyes wide, a grin slowly creeping up on your face. She shook her head, as she realized what you were about to say. "I made you laugh."

"You did not," she said, still shaking her head, leaning back in her seat, across you on the other side of the booth.

"I did too!" You stood up. "Hey losers!" There was only a few other people in the McDonalds. Some group of teenagers and a family eating together. "I made this beautiful girl laugh! That should be a guinnea-aaaah," Maki pulled your arm down to make you sit.

"Senpai- that was uncalled for!" As she ranted about why you shouldn't have done that, sometimes stuttering over her words (you should get an award for that as well), you slowly slid your arm away from her grip, and touched her palm with yours. She only noticed when you did that. "Senpai?"

You curled your fingers around her hand, fighting down a smile and looking at her in the eyes. "Maki?"

"What are- what- what are you doing?"

"Oh my god." You turned your head to see the group of teenagers watching you and Maki. The one that seemed to have spoken, whipped his head away immediately, and it wasn't hard to catch the blush on his face.

Another one of his friends held her phone in the direction of you both, and immediately went to cover her phone and stop recording. There was another recording, and she didn't stop, even as you looked her straight in the eyes. You turned your head to face Maki. They probably saw how you and Maki were acting (to be fair, you did yell about your accomplishments in the relationship) and decided to keep watching how romantic it would become. 

"Hey Maki." She stopped trying to wiggle her hands away from you (who had an unbelievably strong grip- or maybe Maki just wasn't trying). You lowered your voice, leaning forwards to speak close to her ear. She immediately moved back, but you raised an eyebrow at her, and motioned her to come close again. She reluctantly did and you whispered in her ear, moving your hands down to lean on the table, rubbing your thumb against the back of her hand.

"Don't look but there's kids recording us right now. I want to give them a bit of content right now, just for fun you know? So why don't we kiss?"

Red rushed to her cheeks. "What?"

"You heard me." Leaning back, you smiled softly. She was still leaning on the table. You brushed your nail against the back of her hand. She looked down there and then back up at you, who waited expectantly.


You were a bit shocked, if you were being honest. You were joking but-

She'd swiftly pressed her lips against yours. You tilted your head, covering the view of the teenagers. Maki opened her eyes to look at the teenagers, and the all held their breath while she kept her eye contact firm on the one recording. You reached back to hold the back of Maki's neck, and she closed her eyes again, reaching her hand up to hold your chin in her hand.

You felt the heat rush to your face- it wasn't even hot and you felt like you were sweating. Fuck, you were glad she agreed. 

This was probably the most interesting McDonalds' experience you'd ever had. 

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