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Chapter one- Raelyn.

"Calm down you brat" Raelyn's carekeeper snarled dragging a squirming Raelyn by her wrist through the airport.

"You are giving me ouchi" Raelyn sobs trying to loosen the grip around her wrist. The carekeeper ignores little Raelyn's statement and drags her through crowds of people.

The wicked lady fiddled through her phone and brought it up to her ear and started speaking.

 "Mr. Fluor, we have arrived and currently standing right outside door five." Her voice changes to a sweet tone, gradually getting higher.

Not soon after, a black haired muscular man with tatoos covered all up his arms arrived.

"Mr. Fluor" the lady greets with a beaming smile to the man who held a bored expression. 

The twenty two year old was thereafter handed a scared five year old, and her blue luggage.

The carekeeper thereafter leaves after getting some papers signed and the little girl and the man were left alone.

Seeing how nervous the little one was he crouched down meeting her eye level and started speaking. "Hello there, I'm Noah, your eldest brother"

She had a brother? But mama never said anything about a brother did she? Well... maybe she forgot.

"Hi, I'm Raelyn." The little girl speaks trying her best to act confident.

"You little wit, eyes down. little brat gets fed but never thankful. Off to your room before I-"

"Ray, Raelyn" Noah says now shaking the little one by her shoulders, who found her selfthinking of the past. After coming back to her senses she shoots a smile, making Noah give one back, but worry filled his eyes.

Noah's hand engulfed the little ones hand as they start walking to the car park, Jay her teddy tightly tucked under her arm.

After a million steps, yes she counted, Noah stops them In front of a black Range Rover in which she stared in awe. Even bigger than her friend Ashley's Foster families car.

"Come on little one let's get you in" Noah says after placing the half broken luggage at the back and swiftly sweeps Raelyn up and placing her comfortably on his hips before he opens the back door and places her on her car seat.

After counting ten trees her eyes felt heavy, and drifted off to sleep. 

After arriving, Noah gently carries his sleeping sister in his hands and enters their home. "Welcome home little one," he whispers into her brown hair.

Walking up stairs into what now will be the little girls room. He enters a white painted room with fairy lights on the head board of her King sized bed in the middle of the room, covered with unicorn duvets, and pillows.

Raelyn stired slightly as he placed her under her covers and he slowly hushed her down to sleep.

Noah had no heart to leave his little sister out of sight anytime soon, since it had been a while since he last saw her. And so, he sa on the white fluffy chair next to the little ones bed and watched his little sister sleep.

It had been a while and Noah was on his phone, an intruder barges in.

"Hey, Noah I've been trying to find you everywhere" he speaks.

"Shh" Noah hissed softly, and eyes Raelyn who now begins to stir and open her big doe eyes.

The intruder cringes at what he did his nose crinkled in disapproval on what he caused.

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