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   Adam's alarm blared through the whole room waking him up and made Raelyn stir from her sleep, Matthew still fast asleep.

  Switching the alarm off, he turned to find Raelyn sitting on the bed scratching her eye with the back of her hand. He gave her a small smile and muttered a good morning to the little one and pecked her cheek and laid back on the bed.

"Morning," she whispered before yawning and throwing her self on Adam, making Adam let a playful groan before rubbing soothing circles behind her back.
"M'sleepy" she said letting out another yawn.
"Everything alright in your room last night?" Adam quired, since Raelyn doesn't usually come to his room in the night.
"Jason was hiding in the closet" she murmured.
Adam's heart dropped, someone was in Raelyn's room last night? But how did she know the name of the intruder? 

Adam got off the bed Raelyn still in his hands. She nuzzled closer into him as he walked out of the room.
"Bubs who is Jason?" Adam asked walking slowly to the kitchen to fix her a cup of her favorite chocolate milk.
Adam tried hard to keep his cool but everything in him beat loud, he barely heard the little one.
"Mr. Welman's son" she said now sitting on her high seat and sipping her chocolate milk.
  His heart dropped to his feet.

  "I think it was just a bad dream though, I got scared," The little one said into her cup before taking another sip.
"It's alright bubs,"
  The brother felt relieved, relieved that it wasn't an actual intruder. But that didn't stop him from reminding Noah to check the camera's for precaution the second Noah entered the kitchen.

  Noah interrogated the child, which she didn't like much and just frowned half the time.
  "I think that's enough questions Noah," Adam cut through his sentence taking the little one up in his arms.

  The eldest brother sighed, and after, came in to give his sister a lasting kiss on the forehead and ruffled her hair softly.

  "My brave little girl," he added and headed to start making breakfast.

  Raelyn did not feel brave, not one bit, last night when she saw Jason in her closet grinning widely, she hiccuped a sob and ran up to her closest room next to hers which turned to be Adam's.

  "Adam?" She reached out into the bed not quite being able to get on it without a little help.

  She heard someone stir and then a voice say,
"Adam will be back soon,"

   Bite size pieces were cut from the waffles Noah had made so it was easier for her to eat by Oliver who thereafter dowsed her plate with a creamy chocolate spread.
   She looked at it with awe before taking her fork and started eating.

   The four Fluor siblings and Matthew were seated on the kitchen island helping themselves to breakfast amongst having a conversation, that even when it died down it didn't have an awkward aftermath.

   "I have to head to the office today, that Cruz  guy is giving me problems" Oliver said jabbing into the waffle with much force that needed.

  "You-? going to work on a Saturday?" Noah looked up from his plate.
  Oliver frowned diminishing his statement which Noah meant as a joke.

  "I too have stuff to sort off, I'll be back quite late today" Noah said calmly, and both other brothers nodded understandingly seemingly knowing what he was talking about.

  "I want to play with Tony," the little one said after the conversation died down. "Now,"

  "Not now bubs, after you're done with breakfast okay?" Noah said, helping her eat her food by trying to feed her.

  She pursed her lips tightly and shook her head not wanting it anymore.
"I want Tony," the little one started whining.

  "Raelyn Isabella Fluor," Noah said sternly. The little one went completely silent.
Just how mama used to call her when she was angry.
  The thought of mama never really crossed her mind a few days of staying with her brothers. She felt bad it didn't cross her mind cos she didn't want to forget mama.

  Tears started welling up her eyes, and then she started wailing at the thought of mama.
All brothers hearts broke, they'd never seen their sorelina cry so hard before, it hurt.

Noah immediately put down his fork and went to scoop the crying child in his hands gently rocking her back and forth, "there, there," he whispered rubbing his hand behind her back soothingly.
"I want mama"
The whisper which was loud enough only to the oldest brother broke him.

  "Welcome back Mr. Cruz," Oliver greeted lending his hand out, in which Mr. Cruz replied back with a nod.

  Everyone sat down on their respective places as Mr. Cruz's assistant went through 'boring old company stuff' Oliver would say.

  While the assistant kept jabbering, Oliver's eyes scanned the room and caught glimpse of a familiar face but hadn't seen at his office before.

  A text chimed into his phone midway, it was a text from Adam. It was an image attachment of the two youngest Fluor siblings and Matthew having ice cream at the little one's favourite cafe. Oliver's eyes softened as he saw the picture of them and replied to it with red emoji hearts.

  "Any questions?" The assistant asked, making Oliver put his phone down and look up.

Oliver simply shook his head indicating a no and stood up pushing the chair behind him, so everyone else took that as an indication to start packing up.

  Oliver was just about to leave but Mr. Cruz called out.
   "Mr. Flour I'd like you to meet my daughter Emily Cruz, she'll ne the one taking after me,"
   There she was again that awfully familiar face not being able to pinpoint where they'd met before.
  "Oliver Flour," Oliver spoke trying to detect a change in her body language to see if she noticed anything as well.

  "It's lovely to meet you." She said as if it was the first time they had met.

  Maybe he was thinking too much, Oliver thought to himself and walked down to the car park, and then it clicked to him, that oh so familiar face,

  'Kate Olden.'

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