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   Noah and Raelyn drove to Adam's school to pick him up. 

Adam was found talking with his friends before he spotted Noah's car and started jogging up to it. 

  "How was bambina's first day of school eh?" Adam asked opening the door and letting himself in. 

  "School was great," Raelyn answered, glad to see another Fluor brother after a long day. 

  "Did you make any friends?" 

  "Yep," the little one excitedly exclaimed. 

  "What's her name?" 

 "His name is River," The little one corrected. 

 "A boy?" Adam scoffed.

  Another scoff? what's so wrong? The little one thought before continuing.
  "He gave me his yellow marker when mine ran out," Raelyn says trying to make things better, keyword; better.

  "Stop by the mall before we head home," Adam stated. 

  "Why?" Noah quired

  "To get markers, so this little mouse doesn't have to ask anyone else or run out of them." Adam says before playfully tickling the little one leaving her in a mess of giggles.

   After Raelyn calmed down they were all met with a comfortable silence except for the songs played in the background to which Raelyn and all the others vibed to, before stopping by a cafe for lunch. 

  Stopping by, Raelyn took hold of the view, the cafe was painted white on the outside, and a mural was painted on one side of the wall which really caught the little one's eye as she inspected the little yellow butterflies and the green wines which twisted along a log at which a huge bear was found sitting eating honey straight off the honeycomb. 

  As they entered in, she was greeted firstly by the sweet smell of lavender which filled the air, and thereafter a server who greeted them with a welcoming smile. 

  "Go find a seat for us three, I'll order and get back" Noah stated, leaving Adam with Raelyn to find a good spot. 

  Adam walked straight to the back where a glass secured an open space being able to witness the busy streets of New York. 

  "So what did you do at school, other than make friends with a boy" Adam asked playfully rolling his eyes. 

  "I colored, painted, played in the monkey bars, and also earned a well-done sticker by my teacher," 

  In the midst of the conversation, Adam noticed a group of teenagers walk in. He didn't think much of it until someone caught his eye through his peripheral vision. Immediately turning his head he caught a glance of the boy who he had met at the park.

  The boy was wearing a pair of beige trousers and a white shirt as for all the other kids in his group. 

  Noah came in, with all that everyone had ordered in his hands and thereafter placing them on the table, letting off a sigh. "That line was too long" he complained wiping the sweat off his forehead. 

  The boy who Adam was admiring from afar, caught hold of his eyes immediately making Adam's heart skip a beat and showcase a stiff smile at which the boy waved at him, in which Adam returned a wave back.

  "You know him?" Noah asks cutting Adam's eye contact with the boy.

  "Oh- um yeah" Adam stuttered, "I met him back at the park. He helped aid Raelyn's wound"

  "That seems nice of him" Noah says. "Do you know which school he attends to?" He asks after a few seconds.

  "No, why do you ask?" Adam quires.

  "I don't want to be quick to judge or anything, but that school is known as one of the strictest Christian boarding schools in the city, they don't support anything other than what the Bible says atleast that's what they say," Noah let's out a sigh.

  "Um- what about lgbtq?" Adam asks out of curiosity not knowing much of what schools like that teach poor souls.

  Noah chuckles, "That's the first thing, and the most important thing they can't get themselves involved in"

  "What do you think about it?" Adam asks yet another question.

  "Oh that school is just living hell-"

  "No, about the whole lgbtq thing" Adam cuts Noah off.

  "I believe you could love whoever it is, love is love" Noah swiftly answered without signs of hesitance to his brother.

   The table was met in silence as they all ate their food, except for the times Raelyn had to mention everysingle detail of her day now and then, especially the kind words her teacher had said to her.
   After everyone had finished their lunch and were getting ready to go Noah told Adam,

  "You know you guys should hang out sometime" in who he stated about the boy Matthew as he ended the statement with a smirk.

  The Fluor siblings were walking up to the door just about to leave the cafe they were cut off from someone calling out to Adam.

  "Hey, you dropped your school ID on the way" non other than Matthew's voice was heard, There fingers slightly brushing eachother as Matthew hands it in, enough to awaken the calm butterflies yet again as to first glance seeing him by at the cafe.

  "Matthew!" The little one squealed and let go of Noah's fingers who was looking down at his phone and smiling and not fully aware of what was going on till Raelyn let go.

  "Awww, my favourite little girl," Matthew coo'd as he hugged back the little one who was hugging his legs.

  Adam and Matthew shared a chuckle before Noah came in with a soft smile showcased on his face.

  "I'm Noah, Adam's elder brother" Noah introduced himself to Matthew lending out his hand to which the boy shook it with a warm smile and introducing himself to Noah.


  The three Fluor siblings were back home from a long day, and as they entered the house they spotted Oliver sleeping on the couch with his laptop screen switched on proving he was doing some work but miserably failed as he dozed off his mouth slightly ajar.

  Raelyn let out an unintentional giggle as he started snoring to which she quickly covered her mouth with but still kept giggling silently.

"Let's wake him up shall we?" Adam says a mishevious smile played on his face.

Taking ahold of the laptop after going closer to Oliver, Adam then screwed a bottle cap open and poured the liquid on his head making Oliver jolt up awake as water droplets trickled down from this head to his chest drenching his shirt in water. But after a while as everyone else started laughing, a smirk played on Oliver's face thereafter changing into soft chuckles and all knew what was about to come up next as they all fell quiet and started running as Oliver started chasing them all yelling;


First of all you'll!!
And second I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately, And unfortunately, I can't promise the date of a new chapter, but it will come.
Thanks for reading!!


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