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"You couldn't pick up any sooner, couldn't you?" Oliver yelled through the phone.

"What is it now Oliver? Can it wait? I'm really busy-" Noah stopped midway, someone else on the other side grabbing his attention.

"Oliver whatever it is, It must wait, like i said, I'm really busy"

"Here me out-"

"Correct the typo here-" Noah spoke to the person on the other side,

"That Cruz has a daughter,"

"Oliver where is this going I really can't- Tell Michelle to sign these and you go get the others to sign for me,"

"Noah I need five seconds"

"Oliver look I'm really busy right now, and your answer is no"

"Wha- but I didn't even ask a que-" Noah hung up on him, "-stion,"

Oliver let out a frustrated sigh and started the engine to his car and sped off to the cafe where his two younger siblings and Matthew were said to be.

The soft smell of Lavender welcomed Oliver in as always and calmed him down, but what brought a smile up his face was being able to hear his little sorelina's laugh from a distance.
He found them almost immediately and invited himself to sit down next to Raelyn.

"Oliver did you know a shrimps heart is in its head?" Raelyn stated having learnt something new, welcoming him with a hug.

Oliver chuckled, a playful shocked expression marred on his face, and answered that he hadn't.

"Who taught you that?," Oliver quired.

"Matthew did,"

"That's very impressive Matthew," Oliver praised.

"It really isn't much when you're studying biology for Advanced levels," Adam added in.

"Science? That's a tough stream but you're a smart chap" Oliver praised Matthew to which Matthew chuckled, adding a thank you.

The table fell into a comfortable silence, calm music played in the background as everyone sipped on their drinks.

Oliver's thoughts fell back to what happened in the office and a frown made its way on his face reflecting his frustration.

"You seem tired, want me to get you anything?" Adam asked Oliver.

"Whiskey, Clean," Oliver replied. Adam raised his eyebrows, locking eyes with his brother who didn't seem to mean it as a joke.

"An Iced Americano it is..." Adam replied, pursing his lips in a tight smile and made his way to the counter.

A few moments later Adam appeared with Oliver's coffee and placed it on his side of the table.
"Just what I wanted, thank you," Oliver mused with a sarcastic smile looking up from his phone.

"You're very welcome," Adam chuckled taking a sip out of his own drink, and started a conversation with Matthew.

While taking a sip out of his coffee, Oliver noticed Raelyn staring weirdly into his cup.

"What's wrong Ray? Everything good? You want a sip or something?" Oliver asked, a small smile making its way up his lips.

The conversation between Adam and Matthew came to a pause, Adam having to advice his brother on how his decision on giving a five year old coffee was not the brightest decision.

"No, I don't want a sip," Raelyn answered.

"Then why are you staring into my cup?" Oliver quired raising an eyebrow, the smile not having left.

"Just wanting to see if it's clean,"

The weather had started to dim down early it being the start of Autumn, a season all Fluor siblings loved since that meant it was almost Christmas.

Oliver had retreated to his bedroom, and Adam, Matthew and Raelyn were all in Adam's room; both Adam and Matthew helping Raelyn with her 'very hard' English homework which consisted having to connect the capital letter to its simple letter. Why she found it hard was since she got her 'd's and 'b's mixed up.

"It's okay bubba, we can practice tomorrow as well," Adam said rubbing soothing circles behind the frustrated girls back.

"But everyone else always gets it right," she whispered tears welling up her eyes.

"Hey, bubba," Adam said carrying her and placing her on his lap. The girl rested her head on her brothers chest making her self comfortable. "You are not everyone else, and that's what makes you special, and that's why I love you."

In that moment a pang shot through Matthew's chest. He saw Adam in a completely different light. Yes sure Adam's been just as kind and empathetic, yet something about what he said pained and calmed him in a way he couldn't explain.

This feeling was something he felt ages ago, and he didn't know if he wanted to welcome its presence again or not ; his feelings for someone, his feelings for Adam.


"Hey Noah, we are all about to head out for drinks," Michelle, Noah's employee/ assistant called out for him, walking into his office. "Wanna join us?"

Michelle was tall to most men, but stood short to Noah's frame and had thick wavy black hair and chocolate brown eyes which complimented her tan skin.

Noah took a quick glance at his clock ; ten to eleven it read, "Shoot, sorry Michelle not tonight, I have to get home." He answered shutting down his computer and putting his stuff away. "Do have fun though"

"Aw that's a bummer, and sure will do" Michelle replied back and closed the door behind her.

Noah maintained professionalism with his employees during work hours and it was only after hours he let lose of it, and by doing so he created a good relationship with his workers and kept them motivated and loyal to him.

The Fluor siblings ran a company ; "Fluor Security" where Noah served as CEO, Oliver and Adam his partners. Fluor security specialised in home security system products along with providing body guards/security to celebrities and renowned figures in the county and ranked well in the charts for security companies, coming in number one.

However, there was one secret that escaped the view of the public eye. Fluor Security went in murkier trajectories than it ought be.


HI! long time i know, and i am really sorry :( But I do hope you enjoy the update and i shall update a new chapter next week

THANK YOU for your love and support! forever grateful for ya'll ❤️

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