Some day.

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Matthew fell asleep almost immediately (oh so Adam thought), but Adam couldn't find the peace to after what had happened that day, how rude the boys were treating him and calling him rude names, if only he could have taken up the pain Matthew was going through. Poor Matthew shouldn't have gone through any of this, he doesn't deserve it at all, Adam thought to himself. He would have done anything to be in Matthew's shoes just to kill them one by one, each who would endure slow painful deaths.

Tossing at turning for what felt like eternity only passed time by thirty minutes. Adam woke up from the bed and sat on the edge of it, trying not to make a sound just in case he woke up Matthew.

He caught a glimpse of Matthew through the light that made its way through the curtains from the full moon, his eyelashes which laid softly on top his cheeks he tried so hard not to caress, and his eyebrows in a frown he tried hard not to soothe.

Adam's always pushed back the idea of him ever being "gay" as to what people in his school sometimes bully him into except for the fact he always fought back. He's had girlfriends in the past to prove his friends, (which he put no effort into charming the girls) but it didn't feel right when he was with them. He was also very much afraid to talk about it to anyone, afraid they would treat him differently than how they treat him as usual.

Taking soft steps he walked out of his room closing the door behind him and made his way up to Noah's office where he was positive he was to find him.

He didn't take the initiative to knock, yet opened the door slowly catching Noah, calm and collected sitting in his office chair staring at the screen.
"Come in" Noah said his voice mellow than what it is during the day.

Adam walked in regardless, into Noah's office and sprawled himself on the green leather couch and let out a heavy sigh. Noah turned his chair to face Adam as he proceeded to question his presence in his office this late in the night.

"Everything alright?" Noah asks
Another sigh is let out by the boy, "I think?"
"Mhm, tell me about it"
Adam needn't give Noah an intro about why or what to he was going to speak about, but dived right into the topic of it, which he's always done when he spoke to Noah some nights like these.
"I just think it's so unfair as to what Matthew is going through, like he's going through so much, and I don't know where or how but this sudden feeling to safe guard him from everything he's going through, there is so much I want to tell him but I can't bring myself to do that sometimes"
Adam wasn't making the best sense in regards to what he was saying but most important to the speed he was talking in, yet Noah caught up.
Noah shifted in his chair, "Hey, you can't change what the past was, but you can safe guard him you know right, like what you did this evening, I'm proud of you for that. And what ever it is just tell him—"
"—but there's the problem," Adam interrupted.
"What is the problem?" Matthew quired.

"Hey Noah, the software just got updated—" Oliver opened the door to the office, "oh shit- sorry if I'm interrupting anything" Oliver backed off.

"Ol?" Adam called.
"Yeah," Oliver replied coming back in. I think you should stay.
"This doesn't change anything Adam, literally doesn't change a thing," Noah re-assured Adam.

Adam told both his brothers everything he was feeling and also mentioned that he him self isn't sure where he stands and wouldn't liked to be labeled as such, but if he were too they would definitely be informed.

"We are proud of you Adam." Oliver said to Adam as his lips brought up a small smile and his chest feeling a thousand times more lighter.

It had been an hour and thirty minutes in Noah's office, where after he decided to head back to his room, softly laying back on the bed he turned to face Matthew, but instead of meeting only his face he was met with two more, one being his sister cuddled up in Matthew's arms and the other one being Jay cuddled up as usual in the little one's arms. Adam's smile blossomed into a small chuckle which fluttered opened the eyes of Matthew's, "She came in search of you," he whispered, "instead found me and said I give better cuddles than you do" Matthew smiled.
"I'll be the judge of that," Adam whispered as Matthew's eyes shut again, the frown disappeared. "Some day, some day soon"

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