Chapter 11- Rough Days?

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Alessandro POV: 

Fuck I don't know what to do. I'm freaking out in this stupid room with my closest friends and Nathaniel. "We'll find her Al, I promise she is a strong girl she will be ok. We have the American Mafia, Russian mafia, and a handful of mafias from smaller countries looking for her." I looked up at Nathaniel and sighed. 

Paul, my head of conflict management, walked in holding a flash drive and a file.  Paul shook his head and nodded towards a chair, "Your gonna wanna sit down for this one Alessandro." 

Paul plugged the flash drive into the computer and a video of Lucy sitting on a bed with her pale complexion being covered by just a bra and underwear. The video began with a man with a thick Brazilian accent saying, "Now remember this is being recorded Lucy so be a good girl for Alessandro" I was already pissed, but at least now we know which mafia took her by the accent. The man spoke again saying "Naomi used to be very disobedient but after some punishment, she has learned to be a good little slave for me, isn't that right Naomi?". The girl, Naomi, replied with a simple "Yes Master". The man spoke again with lust clearly evident in his voice, "Soon I'll take that precious little cherry as well as I did for Naomi but for now, I'll let her have a little fun with you." I was gonna rain hell on this guy once we got back Lucy. Fucking Brazilian cunt.

I could sense Lucy's discomfort. She was tugging as hard as she could on the restrains and I could see the tears running down her face. I felt sick. Naomi climbed on top of Lucy and started kissing down her neck and soon enough Lucy was naked. I didn't anybody else seeing, touching, or talking to Lucy. "GET OUT. NOW", I yelled at the other men in the room. They silently walked out quickly. 

I knew what was coming but couldn't tear my eyes away from Lucy. Lucy was full-on sobbing now as she tried to resist Naomi pleasuring her.  5 minutes later I could tell Lucy was about to pass out from holding everything in. I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I looked away from the screen hearing her loud moan finally come out and then turn into a choked-up crying noise.

I wasn't going to stick around to see what kind of sick things that guy was going to say to Lucy after that and shut the computer hardly. 

I called my team back in. We were gonna find her as soon as possible and that would require a heavy watch on Brazil's mafia. I told Paul to go find out how soon our capos could be in and around Brazil. 

Paul came back 10 minutes later. "They can be there in 7 hours with head capo Sam leading them.", he said in a stern voice. "Pull out the boat I want eyes and ears everywhere, also notify the Mafias loyal to us that were going up against the Brazilian mafia. Find out how many will help.", I replied in a just as stern voice.

18 hours Later: 

"FUCK", I shouted. "We have people everywhere now, how the fuck have we still not gotten a hit to where she could be?!", Paul shook his head and said, "I don't know man we're trying." I was trying not to scream at Paul. He was just trying to help.

I groaned as my mental note reminded me that My father, Evander, and Nick would be arriving in 2 days for the Annual Organized Crime Event. Oh god. everyone can fuck off. I had slept at all and my exhaustion was getting the best of me I can't even think straight. There's nothing I can do anymore. I'm overworking my whole team just to find some stupid woman who I bought for the sheer purpose of teasing and fucking. Apparently, she wasn't some stupid girl anymore. 

It was 6:30 am and I had gone to my room 2 hours ago to sleep yet I'm still laying here wide awake. I stood up and went to grab a bottle of whiskey. Pouring a full cup I went to go sit on the end of the bed. I just needed to stop thinking. 

20 minutes later and I had finished the cup which put me into a sleepable mindset. Thank god for the whiskey.

3 Hours Later:

My phone alarm went off, and I was tempted to hit snooze but I needed an update and some Advil for my light headache. I switched shirts and slacks and brushed my teeth. Screwing the Advil lid back on I swallowed the 3 pills down dry and followed up a few seconds later with a glass of water. 

I walked out of my room and up the staircase back to the conference room. I walked in and Paul was on the phone with Sam, I could tell because he always addressed him as sir when talking.  Paul hung up the phone after he noticed me enter. "Is there anything new to report?",  I asked. "No, I'm sorry sir, but there will be a time to talk with the other mafia leaders on Friday about what needs to happen. Just hold on for 3 more days man.", he said with a sincere almost begging voice. 

"Everything is a mess, I'm a mess, you're a mess, and everybody is going on about 4 hours of sleep since she was taken, and on top of it all my father, Nick, and Evander will be here tomorrow.", I said with a heavy sigh. "They're only here for the event, and Adonis gave you his mafia so that you could control it. Put him in his place if he decides to bitch about everything, and that goes for Nick and Evander as well. 

I walked out of the room to go check on Nathaniel. I know he had been getting close with Lucy. Fuck I shouldn't have yelled at him, or her when all they were doing was having fun. I walked into Nathaniel's room and he was sleeping. The smell of weed wafted through the air. He had smoked just to sleep. I guess we all have something we turn to I thought as I walked out. 

A/N: Are yall liking this story ok? Give some storylines you want to happen and I'll try to incorporate them. If you don't feel comfortable saying it publicly in the comments feel free to DM privately :)

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