Extra: Once Friends...Now Enemies

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[A/N] - Hello guys, it's me! Before I start, let me tell you I have a new Jack Love Story on my story: Mother Nature. Check it out.

So, this chapter is sort if an extra one, dedicated to No_Name0X for giving me such a great idea to explore the relationship between Pitch and Angela. This chapter is for you.

The First Guardian has been successfully created and she was busy looking over the green and blue planet that bloomed with life

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The First Guardian has been successfully created and she was busy looking over the green and blue planet that bloomed with life. Her favorite ones were the humans, that possessed so many complex emotions but also possessed so much light within them.

She watched them grow and evolve, meeting each other and forming bonds. Such bonds many times stayed strong and survived the passage of years. Friends came close, helping each other until the very end.

Sometimes, that bond led to love and feelings of adoration between two individuals. Then it was when the light within them sparkled the most, shining as bright as the night stars above them. It brought people closer than ever, letting them drop their guards and be let free to each other's presence.

This companionship eventually led to children, small version of the parents that proved life kept moving forward. Those children eventually would form similar connections like their parents and the cycle would continue.

Such a beautiful thing was not unique in humans, as each animals and even plant required companionship. Many times, that companionship bringing forward new smaller individuals, products of love and adoration.

Angela watched, blessed and protected them on their journey through life. However, she could not help but feel loneliness as time passed. Everyone seemed to have someone except for her.

The man in the moon noticed her hurt silent eyes as she watched over the humans and he realised that perhaps it was time for another guardian to be brought forward. She was a successful attempt and now, a second one would take place.

Seeing from the precious humans how the characters differed and the lives they had, he had the idea and used his magic to create a second being. Made from the shadows formed under his light, his one goal was to make humans brave by helping them face their fears. Help them continue forward and keep surviving, showing them together they can be successful.

That spirit was given the name; Pitch Black.

When Pitch and Angela met under the light of the bright full moon, shock had overcame both.

Pitch was still new, trying to understand the meaning of his existence and of his creation. Angela was surprised by this sudden 'gift', never having met another spirit like her before.

With clear instructions in her mind, she extended her hand for him to take. Giving him a kind smile, she waited for him to take it. When he did, she realised how cold he was compared to her. Even their colors contrasted to one another, perfect opposites; perfect friends.

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