Chapter 9 - Happy Ending

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Angela stood ready to cast a barrier to protect them

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Angela stood ready to cast a barrier to protect them. A barrier just like the one back at her tree. She said she would give her everything and she was about to. She looked back at Jamie once last time, seeing those brown eyes she so well remembered.

Then, she turned her attention to the Nightmares who marched without mercy. She felt fear after a long time but not for her, for the others. Fear that she wouldn't be able to protect them.

Suddenly, Jamie's voice reached her ears. He called her name, the sudden sound passing through her body like thousands of volts of electricity. A new strength, a new power flared inside her.

The image of scared children, of her scared friends, flashed into her mind and the need to protect them grew. She slammed her spear on the ground, digging the silver blade into the earth.

The ground shook as a white barrier shot from the cracks of the ground and created some sort of wall. The nightmares didn't stop, and all clashed against the dome but each one disappearing after touching it.

However, the wave kept coming and Angela closed her eyes as she put all her concentration to keep it.

Just a little bit longer, she thought as she felt everyone's eyes on her.

At last, the attack died, and she fell on her knees, her armour long gone, and her tunic dress was back. Her body shook with each deep breath she took, her hands that were holding the handle of the weapon were shaking while she rested her head against it.

Pitch watched the barrier falling and along with it, she did as well. Laughter came from his throat, seeing her at last on her knees. He felt the pride, the satisfaction that he managed to break down the moon's champion.

The Powerful Guardian Angel had no power left within her and he still had half his army and his full strength. He watched as the Guardians exchanged worried looks, their fear returning now that she was unable to fight.

"Angela!" Jack called her name as he knelt by her side.

"Hmmm," he exclaimed as he noticed the look she gave to the young spirit, feeling a sudden dislike for it. Well, the battle was not over yet. "Any more tricks up to your sleeve Angela?" he asked and felt her silver eyes on him. Whatever power up she had was long gone, that was certain. "No? Well then, I will ask more time...who will protect you now Guardians?!"

Jack glared at Pitch and stood up, gripping his staff tightly. He took a step forward but was quickly forced to stop when Jamie appeared in front of him.

"I will," Jamie said and stood with his head tall.

Soon, his friends joined him and all of them stood in a protective line in front of their childhood heroes.

"Still think there's no such thing as the Boogeyman?" Pitch asked them as the Nightmares were closing in on the Guardian group.

"I do believe in you. I'm just not afraid of you"

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