Chapter 4 - The Tooth Hunt

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The Tooth race officially started

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The Tooth race officially started. They went from country to country and continent to continent, passing each city and village. Using each their own skill, they raced against time to get all the teeth saw.

Currently, they were in Russia and North was laughing while running over rooftops.

"Quickly, quickly!" he said while Bunny was running on all 4, jumping from house to house as well.

Jack was flying along with the wind and came next to him. "Hop to it, Rabbit! I'm five teeth ahead!"

"Yeah right! Look, I'd tell ya to stay out of my way, but really what's the point? Cuz you ain't be able to keep up anyway!"

"Is that a challenge, Cottontail?"

"Ooh, you don't wanna race a rabbit, mate," Bunny said and used his powers to speed up, leaving Jack behind.

"Woah!" Jack exclaimed and tried to catch up.

Suddenly, a white blurred flew from an alley and shocked Bunny before he could make the jump to the next roof. He slipped on the snow and landed on his back, a groan escaping his lips. Giggling made them look up at Angela who was sitting on top of a chimney.

"Speaking of teeth, I am 8 teeth in front of you Jack" she winked at him.

"Is it a race? Is it a race?" North asked as he appeared from one chimney to another. "This is going to be epic!"

Tooth, on the other hand, was too busy looking around, sensing and seeing so many teeth that she got overwhelmed.

"4 bicuspids over there! An incisor two blocks east! Is that a molar? They're everywhere!" she exclaimed in happiness and then slammed into a giant sign which ironically advertised toothpaste. "Ugh!"

"You okay?" Jack asked as he flew to her.

"I'm fine! Sorry, it's been a really long time since I've been out in the field" she explained.

"How long is a long time?"

"440 years, give or take?"

"Nothing beats the adrenaline huh?" another voice said, and they looked on top of the sign where Angela sat with her legs hanging.

"Indeed," Tooth said, giggled and took off.

"Haven't seen her that excited since the floss was invented" she said as she lowered herself to Jack.

"That long?" he asked little shocked.

"Oh yeah," she replied.

"You also seem excited"

"What can I say? Haven't done this in like the double amount of years than Tooth"

Jack rose an eyebrow. "You...used to collect teeth?"

"Who do you think taught her and her baby fairies?"


"Oh yeah. But I will not deny it" she said as she flew higher up. "This is fun. Now, I cannot wait to see you losing Jack" she added and flew off.

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