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New York City.

A place where dreams live and die. The type of place that chews people up and spits them right onto the pavement without a second thought. No remorse, no regret, no guilt. Only the toughest and most ambitious make it to the top. In a place with so much competition, it's obviously quite hard to succeed. Not for (Y/N) (L/N), though.

Things seem to just fall into place for her. (Y/n) has easily made her way up the ladder of the modeling industry, known for her entrancing beauty she is one of the most well known models in the world, and get this, she's only 18. This girl has everything, wits, looks, charm, one glimpse of that dazzling smile and you'll be drawn in.

Currently strutting down the streets of the city is the one and only, chatting with her friend.

"Oh my God Eliza, he did not!" The girl squealed in an attempt of sounding excited. "(Y/N), I swear to you he totally asked me out, I can't believe this is finally happening." Her friend replied, brimming with glee. "Oh look, we're at my penthouse, thanks for walking home with me." (Y/N) smiled. "Of course! See you later!" "Tell me how your date goes! I need to know every. Single. Thing." and then (Y/N) turned into the building that her penthouse was in as Eliza continued walking.

(Y/N) sighed as she walked in, saying hello to the doorman and stepping into the elevator that led to her floor. She truly was jubilant that Eliza was getting with the guy she had been wanting for months, but she herself wasn't happy. Not out of jealousy, she had just been unsatisfied with her life for the past few months. She was missing something. But what?

As much as (Y/N) had wanted to push off this thought because of the pit of guilt it held for she felt she was being ungrateful, she couldn't help the way she was feeling, and had to face it eventually.

She was bored. Maybe a little depressed. She felt hollow. Everything dulled. She wondered why this unfortunate feeling had arose some time ago, but pushed it off thinking it was gonna go away within a few hours, boy was she wrong.

She pursed her lips and stared at the elevator ceiling as she confronted these thoughts she confined to the back corner of her mind, scratching and clawing to get out. Guess they finally broke free.

(Y/N) had always gotten everything that she wanted. She couldn't really remember much of her former years, but she knew that she had somehow always been able to attract the things she wants at the perfect time, like to an extreme extent. Literally everything. If she's craving strawberry cake that mf will basically appear out of thin air, she would suddenly see a shop that had it. She always had everything.

The girl tried to imagine something she wanted that she didn't already have, but she had it all. There was literally nothing she wanted. Nothing.

She was ripped from her thoughts as the elevator came to a stop with a ding and the metal doors slid open. (Y/N) walked to her door and slid in her shiny gold key. The door unlocked with a click, and she turned the knob. She stepped into her spacious penthouse, decorated beautifully with a blue couch and a hot pink one person couch around glass yin yang table, with a bunch of knick knacks and decorations placed to fill up space. She had always been drawn to more funky, out of the box things, and her living room perfectly fit her vision.

 She had always been drawn to more funky, out of the box things, and her living room perfectly fit her vision

Hoppsan! Denna bild följer inte våra riktliner för innehåll. Försök att ta bort den eller ladda upp en annan bild för att fortsätta.

She thew herself onto the couch and breathed out another sigh

Hoppsan! Denna bild följer inte våra riktliner för innehåll. Försök att ta bort den eller ladda upp en annan bild för att fortsätta.

She thew herself onto the couch and breathed out another sigh. Exhausted from her fourteen hour shoot. She checked the time, only 7:30. Not too bad. She had the next two days off so she would probably decide to spend it on the couch distracting herself from the emptiness.

She also just loves lying on the couch and doing nothing. She figured it was a win win.

The (H/C) logged into her Netflix and scrolled through. She had just finished Bojack Horseman and was sure nothing was going to top it. The way the show was able to use talking animals to break down such deep complex issues made her appreciate it so much. The comedic part of it was a bonus.

Lazily scrolling through the shows the girl stopped on an anime titled "Death Note" (Y/N) had never really watched anime. Sure she had seen some Attack on Titan, but it was usually in the background. The plot seemed interesting. A notebook that could kill people? And it had detectives in it? She was in. She loved mysteries and solving things, putting clues together and figuring things out were so fun when the puzzle starts to fit.

She clicked on the show and so it began.


"(Y/N) are we seriously watching this again?" Eliza huffed in annoyance, curled up on the blue couch. It had been two weeks since (Y/N) first watched Death Note and she was hooked. She finished the series then made Eliza watch it with her, at first the girl was all in, but now they were starting it together for the fourth time, and she was getting tired of it.

"Come ooooonnnnn Eliza you know you love this show its literally the best thing I've ever laid my eyes on, you know you love it too." The girl argued, she had the type of attachment to this show that made it hard to get it out of her head. No thoughts only Death Note. God how she loved it.

"Girl no I'm not doing this again, let's watch something else." "Fine." The girl begrudgingly gave in, not wanting to bore her friend, patiently waiting for her to leave so she could rewatch it alone.

Once Eliza had finally left a few hours later, it was midnight and (Y/N) was getting drowsy. She managed to make it through an impressive 8 episodes before her mind began wandering to how she hadn't felt the emptiness when watching this 13 year old anime. This 37 episode series. This random show on Netflix she happened to click on. The hole inside her was filled with this show. She just wanted to live in their world. If only. Her mind grew hazy and fell into a dreamless slumber.


(Y/N) rubbed her eyes. They were still fogged over from her sleep. "I slept really gooooood" She mumbled to herself yawning happily, feeling refreshed. She sat up, then blinked in confusion. Where was she? She was in a bed? In an ugly ass room? nothing in there except her bed and brown walls. Not her favorite color for walls but ok.

"Did I have a one night stand or something?" She thought aloud. No. She couldn't have. She wasn't out drinking last night. "Shit was I kidnapped?" Although this theory had many holes, the thought had already set itself in her mind and she began to panic, adrenaline coursing through her body, heart beating twice as fast. She threw the blanket off of her and opened the bedroom door, she peeked around the corner and waited a minute, listening for anything. Silence. She made a run for it. Busting out the front door, crossing the street and taking in her surroundings.

"Bye Mom!" She heard an oddly familiar voice call from the house to the left of the one she was just in. Snapping her head in that direction, she saw a boy she would never have dreamed of ever encountering. The one, the only, Light Yagami. Her eyes widened in a mixture of shock confusion and fear.

"Literally just what the fuck."

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