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A short word. Only two letters. It rolled sweetly off her tongue and slapped Light right in the face.   To think that such a simple combination of letters could affect someone so greatly is truly fascinating.

Another roar of laughter was heard from the Shinigami. (Y/N) swore that permanent smile of his had somehow grown wider.

Light's eyes widened for only an eighth of a second, then he regained his composure. How did she say no? I thought I did everything perfectly, and she still refuses to tell me her name? What normal person is that cautious about giving their name to someone? She must know. There's no other explanation. Although in this scenario Light is absolutely correct about this girl being onto him, it's funny that the spoiled little boy didn't even think to consider she may just not have wanted to give him her name because he wasn't good enough.

Growing up getting everything you desired, being popular and the smartest in not only your class but quite possibly Japan itself, and having a loving family that praises you, it may be hard for you to adjust to having a situation like this happen. The situation presently being that you were not good enough. You weren't good enough to get her name. 

I-I couldn't do it? I couldn't get her name?

For the first time in his life, Light had failed. He had actually failed at something. His ego immediately bruised and his head began to cloud with anxious revelations, he thought it best to leave this scene quickly, before he cracked, for his breathing became rapid and sweat began to form on the back of his neck.

An anxiety attack. That was the second new thing Light Yagami would experience today.

"Oh, alright." The boy chuckled uneasily, unsure of how to proceed. "I'll get it out of you eventually, my house is actually next door so you can bet we'll be seeing each other more often. For now, goodnight mystery girl." And he turned on his heels, walking away just a little too quickly, leaving the girl standing there without time to respond to him. The only light around her now was the one that shone dimly from next to her front door. (hehe get it?)

That was weird. (Y/N) thought, and she opened the door and stepped into her (new) house. 

Light's POV

The boy said quick hellos to his mom and sister, his father away on a case. He then flew up to his room, and was careful to shut the door quietly behind him, while doing so he called "I'm studying, don't come in!" His mother replied with something along the lines of telling him he shouldn't overwork himself, but he wasn't paying attention to her. His anxiety took over his mind. He clenched his fists tight, closed his eyes and sat on his bed, taking deep breaths.

"Hey Light, what's going on, you've never acted like this before. Is this because you couldn't get her name?" Ryuk asked, although he already knew the reason. Actually, he just stated it.

"Shut up Ryuk." Light hissed through clenched teeth, tone venomous. It took all his strength to restrain himself from yelling at the shinigami. Although the boy sociopathic tendencies, his fits of anger and hysteria rules that diagnosis out.

After a few more deep breaths, and his nails causing his palm to bleed, Light began to speak again.

"Yes, it's because I couldn't get her name. I don't get why she wouldn't just give it to me. I mean, I even kissed her-"

"Heh, yep, I wasn't expecting that from you." Ryuk interrupted, but the fell silent at Light's icy glare.

"As I was saying, even after I did that, she wouldn't even give me a hint to it. Does she know what I said to Naomi? Or is she just being annoying, and wants to spend more time with me? I don't know what do you think Ryuk?" The teen turned to look at the shinigami.

"I don't know Light, that's for you you to find out."

Light huffed a frustrated sigh, sure he expected something like this unhelpful answer from Ryuk, but it annoyed him nonetheless. "What's worse," He continued, "Is that now I'm no longer around her and she could tell someone about what I said. She likely won't, because she was right in the police station, and didn't say anything to anyone, and she doesn't have any evidence whatsoever. However, L is already suspicious of me, so if she says anything about me to the police I know he'll get word of it, and his suspicions will rise substantially." The boy thought aloud. His fingers were intertwined, chin resting on them.

Ryuk said nothing. They sat in silence for a few minutes while Light thought over what to do.

"I've got it!" He yelled, standing up up suddenly. "Ah!" Ryuk flinched, startled. "What did you do that for? Ya scared me! Anyways what do you 'got'?" The shinigami asked, intrigued.

Light lowered his head so his hair covered his eyes which had a malevolent glint in them. He smirked and stated, "I need you to watch her until I go to see her tomorrow, Ryuk."

"What? No way! That sounds so boring!" Ryuk argued flailing his arms around dramatically. "Would you do it for a basket of apples?" Light asked, smile growing wider as Ryuk hesitated to answer. He got him.

"...Fine. They better be big juicy ones, though." The shinigami caved. The boy giggled softly. "Of course. All you have to do is keep a close eye on her, and alert me immediately if she goes to tell anyone anything, I'll find some way to intervene. Now, off you go." Light opened his window and shooed his companion off.

Ryuk flew out the window grumbling, "I can't believe me, a shinigami, is getting pushed around like this by a human. I fancy of the guys see this I'll never hear the end of it."

(Y/N)'s POV

You were currently curled up on the couch, trying to figure out your new phone. It was the most recent model of iPhone, so it wasn't that hard to work for you. The confusing part was the restrictions on it. You had messages, Spotify, that included all of music from your time for some reason, and the camera app. That's all that worked, no App Store, nothing. You sighed, contacts empty, Spotify blank, and started on making playlists. Distracting yourself from the stress of today and whatever madness was happening to you. 

Suddenly, (Y/N) saw a familiar shinigami walk through the wall she was facing. She continued to stare at her phone, being careful not to let any confusion show on her face.

"Give it up, I know you can see me."

Author's note


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