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"Literally just what the fuck." (Y/N) said to herself. She went to sleep in her apartment and woke up in a whole other reality? This can't be right. I need to make sure I'm not dreaming right now, I could totally be lucid dreaming. That sucks but that's probably all this is. I read somewhere that in dreams you can't read the time. Wait, when did my phone get here?

The girl whipped out the phone she felt in her pocket. She hadn't noticed it with all the commotion. "Hm, it's an iPhone XS, isn't this show supposed to take place in 2008? Whatever nothing has to make sense, it's a dream after all." The girl thought aloud. She turned the phone on and was clearly able to see the time written on the top 


She shook her head, heartbeat speeding up every millisecond that passed. She turned the phone off and on again.


The girl was panicking worse than before. She made the rash decision to run back into the house she woke up in to try to find a clock. Judgement clouded with adrenaline and fear. She saw a round clock on the wall of the kitchen. The hands pointed to the time. It was 3:05.

"This can't be real." (Y/N) whispered to herself, breathing heavily. I mean, if this is really happening, I don't have much to lose. I had a great life, I really did, but I would give it up in an instant to be here like I am now, so there's really no reason for me to panic. What would I gain? This is probably a dream anyways. She rationalized in her head. Panicking was something (Y/N) rarely did. It didn't change situations, it just made them worse. She always makes the best of things and now was not and exception.

She took a few deep breaths, adjusting to the assumption that she actually does live in this world now. It was a lot to take in. 

Oh shit.

I totally forgot. I just saw LIGHT YAGAMI. THE LIGHT YAGAMI. The girls expression changed drastically, the worry of traveling dimensions instantly flew from her mind, she was now focused on Light. She hated him, she really did, but God was he hot. (Y/N) always had a bit of a thing for him.

Reliving the moment he had left the house and started walking out, she remembered something. He was holding a brown bag. Wasn't he holding a brown bag in the episode where he killed Naomi? Yeah I think he was because he was dropping off clothes to his father. Shit what if that's what's happening right now? Granted there were a lot of things that happened off camera in that show, only bits and pieces were shown. Maybe it was a school lunch? No it couldn't have been. The bag was too big. Should I intervene? Will it mess with the plot? Maybe I should watch from afar, if I really want to save Naomi I'll make that decision there.

All worry from before was fading from (Y/N)'s mind as she was now focused on this current situation. Stuffing her phone into the pocket of the lightwash flare jeans she didn't previously own (she decided not to question it, this didn't surprise her at this point. They were cute though so yay!) She ran out the door in the direction she saw Light go in, hoping to watch this situation unravel.

The girl walked straight for about five minutes before spotting a subway station. hurriedly climbing down the stairs she looked for a directory. Once she was able to find the directory yet another problem arose.

"It's all written in Japanese? What? Why is everyone around me speaking English but this is written in Japanese? Everything just keeps getting more bizarre." (Y/N) whispered to herself listening to the hum of the people around her talking. She caught bits and pieces of what they were saying and confirmed that they were all speaking English. At least to her they were, who the hell knows if they were actually speaking Japanese and she just heard them differently. 

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