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The darkness split open to reveal her lifeless empty room.

(Y/N) rubbed her eyes groggily, taking in her surroundings. She gasped when she realized it was that horrendous bedroom she had went to sleep in mere hours earlier. (Y/N) knew yesterday wasn't a dream, but the thought of literally traveling dimensions sure felt like one.

The sun shone down on her, and she checked the time on her ever so mysterious iPhone.\


Huh?! She shook her head and blinked a few times before returning her attention to her device.

1:07 pm

That makes more sense. She rolled out of bed and opened her closet, only to find it empty, aside from a school uniform, one that looked oddly similar to the ones at Light's high school "How disappointing." She muttered to herself dejectedly.


"HOLY BALLS I GET TO GO TO SCHOOL WITH LIGHT DON'T I?!?!?! THANK YOU UNIVERSE!!!!" She screamed excitedly. No matter what situation she ends up in, (Y/N) always seems to get the luckiest outcome.

She put on her uniform and did her makeup, surprised to find a few products in a drawer, she grabbed an apple, found a backpack behind her couch, and left her house. Not before stuffing a few more apples into her bag, just in case the situation arose. She was always ever so cautious and prepared, despite her carefree personality.

As (Y/N) stepped outside, a worry struck her, she didn't know how to get there. Not to worry, though, as Light happened to be leaving his house at the same time as her. She waved to get his attention

I should act flustered, after last night, what average high schooler wouldn't be?

His face flushed ever so slightly, just enough for her to notice. Ryuk threw her a wink from behind the boy. "Hey (Y/N), are you transferring to my school? I mean, considering the uniform and the fact that you live right next door." He chuckled quietly, scratching his head.

Although (Y/N) knew that Light was putting on an act, she couldn't help but internally swoon at him, wow he was just so charming. If she didn't know his true character, she totally would've fallen for him, he gives a flawless performance every. Single. Time.

(Y/N) went along with it, fidgeting with her hands behind her back, flashing an achingly sweet smile, as fake as the sugar she laced it with. "Yeah, actually, I genuinely have no idea where it is, could we walk together?"

His smile got almost too wide. She's making the first move, this is progressing quicker than I had expected. Perfect. She'll be putty in my hands soon enough. "Of course, let's go."

So the two strolled to school, chatting and flirting, exuberayting naive happiness as they discreetly sharpened their knives.


The pair arrived at the high school and then had to part ways. Light had showed (Y/N) to the office to figure out her schedule, and headed off to his class, a sadistically bubbly Ryuk following close behind him.

Shit, what do I do now? I'm clearly not enrolled here. Maybe I'll just pretend I'm enrolled and act confused at the fact they don't have anything about me in here? Maybe I should just walk out- no wait I should at least try, I'll get closer to Light and have more to talk to him about if we go to the same school, and are potentially in the same classes, it's worth a shot.

As (Y/N) pushed open the door, mind flooded with anxieties about the different negative outcomes of the situation at hand, a deep voice shook her out of it.

"Are you (Y/N) (L/N)? You just transferred here right? I'm the principal of Daikoku Private Academy, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The girl's eyes widened ever so slightly before she quickly composed herself, what are the odds that her backstory was already set up here?? She didn't just poof into existence as she feared she might've, but she had actually lived in this world. Or, at least this universe had already accommodated her. There were a couple things she couldn't explain, such as her lack of family here, but that would be figured out soon enough.

Realizing she had been caught up in her head yet again, pondering her existence within this realm, she swiftly shook the many thoughts she had off, and replied, "Yes I'm (Y/N), it's an honor I was accepted into this school!" she smiled politely, slightly bowing and sat at the chair across from the principal after he gestured her to.

He continued, "first thing's first, you need your books and your schedule, and after each of your classes you should talk to your teachers independently to get greater detail on what you will be learning this year." He spoke whilst rummaging through papers. At last he had found the paper with your schedule, and handed you a neat stack of new schoolbooks. Sweet!

"Thank you so much sir!" You beamed, reading through your schedule, you had math first, your room number labeled E237. Bruh how the hell am I supposed to get here?

Just as you opened your mouth to ask, the man spoke again, "Coincidentally, you have all of the same classes as another student here, I have already had him called down, he should be here any second-" A door swing open, revealing a familiar pretty boy you had seen only moments before.

As he opened the door, his eyes scanned the room and stopped on you.

"Hello Mr. Yagami, please come in, this is ms. (L/N), she just transferred here and you both have the same classes-"

His eyes widened at that and he glanced down at you, who seemed to be attempting to hide the discreet smile that twitched at the corners of your mouth while you stared intently at the principal.

"-I would like you to show her to each of your classes, and introduce her to your teachers."

You looked up at Light innocently as you two shared a knowing glance, "Sure, I can do that, it's no problem." He replied politely, you could swear his eyes flashed red.

You cleared your throat attempting to dissipate the maniacal giggle that threatened to rise, you stood up, bowing and thanking the principal, then turning to face Light as you both thought,


Hi.... long time no see😁

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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