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"Give it up, I know you can see me."

The girl's breath hitched. WHAT THE HELL? WHAT DO I DO? She was frozen. Panic stricken for the millionth time within this bizarre day. Think (Y/N) think! If you don't plan your next move very carefully, the whole course of this story can change... Honestly what can I even do at this point?

After a minute, Ryuk spoke once again, eager for her to reply, "I'm not with Light y'know, why are you still pretending?"

What? She slowly looked up, directly into the bright red and yellow eyes of the God of death towering before her. "How- how did you know that?" His permanent smile that painted his face seemed to grow, his eyes hungry with excitement.

"Oh? So you don't know? Hm." His harsh laugh crescendoed, getting louder and louder each second that passed.

(Y/N) was growing impatient. He was making her feel incompetent and she wasn't having it. Fear becoming overshadowed by annoyance, she spoke out.

"Will you stop laughing for one fucking second oh my God. Literally how are you always laughing in the worst possible moments it makes it so hard for me to process anything said to me when I have a hyena screeching so loud I can't even hear myself think."

The shinigami had never shut up so quickly. Nobody had ever spoken to him in that manner. Sure, Light could be offhanded from time to time but he had never lashed out at him to this extent. He didn't know how to react.

"...You know I'm a Shinigami right, a God of death? I can kill you anytime I please so you should be careful about how you talk to me." He replied, still thrown off, anticipating her response eagerly.

She blinked. He has a point there, but "Yeah, I know you're a Shinigami, I didn't forget that I mean look at you. I also know that you're not gonna kill me. If you do, that would be beneficial to Light, and I'm pretty sure you've made it very clear to him you're not taking sides on this. 'just a spectator,' or something along those lines right? Besides, having me around to mess with Light will be super entertaining for you. You won't end the game at halftime."

Rendered speechless yet again, the God of death could do nothing but stare at the bold girl in front of him. A new feeling washed over him, was it.. Admiration? She was incredibly brave to talk to him in such a matter. She acted very different than she had with Light today.

"Judging by your lack of response, I'm gonna assume I'm right. While we're on my favorite topic, myself, why did you know that I could see you? How did you know I was pretending?"

While she spoke Ryuk composed himself as quickly as he could, and came up with, well, not an answer, considering how the mischievous God is.

"See, (Y/N), as you said, I don't take sides in this game, I'm a spectator. I'm not gonna tell you why I know you couldn't see me, especially with the way you just yapped at me a second ago!" He replied childishly.

(Y/N) Sighed and smiled ever so slightly "That was the most Ryuk answerI could've gotten." Although this very important bit of information he slipped and refused to delve into was quite annoying, she knew that she would find out eventually, and also she was simply too exhausted to put any energy into emotions at the moment.

The God smiled at the girl.

"I'm gonna head to bed, please don't watch me sleep like a perv." (Y/N) stated to him as she stood up and began to walk towards the stairs

"Hey! it's not like I wanted to, Light offered me apples to come here!" He whined.

The (H/C) made her way to the fridge and looked inside. Surprisingly, it was filled with untouched, fresh food. How odd. Yet another thing for her to add to the list of weird stuff that happened today, this however, obviously being way less extreme.

she pulled out a bag of a dozen apples and threw them on the table. "Here, if you don't watch me sleep you can have these, and I'll promise not to tell on Light so you can get more apples from him tomorrow."
Ryun floated eagerly over to the table and began stuffing his mouth full of the juicy red fruit.

"Deal." he said, voice muffled with food.

The girl began walking up the stairs. "Well, good night Ryuk."

The Shinigami pretended not to hear her.

hey omg i'm so sorry this took so long i was on vacation and i had work and yeah but i'm in ap english this year so i'm gonna continue this story as a little self challenge to get better at writing yk? i'm sorry this chapter is so short, i just wanted to get it out so people can read it sooner and i can be like hey! i'm still here yall! i also felt that a chapter building the relationship of (Y/N) and ryuk really didn't need to be that long. he's kinda a simple creature lmaooo okay sorry i'm done byeee<3

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